![]() In the work I do as a clairvoyant medium, I have many beautiful experiences through spirit as they connect with me, especially when I am doing a reading for someone. Every reading is different, but when spirit unite with their loved ones here on earth, it is always with pure unconditional love. Many times the reason someone comes for a reading is to find out how their loved one is doing after passing into spirit, or as I call it, crossing over to the other side. They want reassurance on many things, but some of the most memorable questions are... Did they arrive safely? Who was there to meet them? Has their pain gone? How are they doing now? Spirit, because they are still connected with us through the “love” vibration, know these are our concerns so these questions seem to always show me, that spirit want us to be reassured that they are doing well, the pain has gone, and they are happy. I like to share with people the analogy, that it is like someone we love, going on vacation and not knowing if anyone will be there, that they know, to meet them. In our humanness, we can get concerned for that traveller, because this is something new, something unfamiliar and because we love them, we want it to all be good. I am blessed to convey, that no one leaves this world alone, that they are always met by someone on the other side. Usually, if we have been present at the end of that soul’s journey, they may have from time to time near the end, seem to be either looking in the distance at something we cannot see with our human sight, or talking to someone who is not us. This is spirit connecting that person with what I like to call their travel buddy. This is usually, but not always, someone they know and love that has already passed over. A family member, a friend, and even on occasions a pet that they loved and cared for in life. All their questions are answered and although it may seem like a new and uncharted journey, they are being reminded that this is not the first time they have done this. Our soul, in human form forget a lot of the details so they are reassured everything has been taken care of for them, and that they are there waiting for them, when they are ready to leave this vibration, this incarnation. In the past, when someone came to see me, it was usually some time after the person had crossed over. But what I am finding now, because of the immense love vibration that has grown due to the ascension of souls in the past few years, is spirit are consenting those going through their transition, to come back almost immediately to reassure their loved ones all is well. One of the factors I am noticing is that those here who have said goodbye to a loved one are getting more perceptive to them being around them. What I share is that sometimes spirit send us a message in a hope we can connect to that vibration to know it is them. Many times during a reading that clarification has been confirmed and reassurance given so that loved one knows they can connect themselves, but in a different vibration. I try to remind people that when someone leaves this world, that any memory that we have of them, connects us to them, and the highest form of connection is through the love vibration. What I mean by that is when our memory connects with that person in spirit in joy, love and with affection, that thread becomes stronger, so the person on the other side can send back down messages that we will see, sense, feel or hear in some way. Some people have told me that when they see a butterfly they know it is a certain person, the same type of bird that comes into their garden to visit them, and so on. We just have to connect the dots to understand. Here is an example of someone who passed into spirit. The messages I received from them for their loved one covered many things including the sense that he would “show” himself as something floating, which I interpreted as something like a butterfly, bird, feather etc. Throughout the reading the color blue kept coming up through his memories, and because this soul was so loving and caring during their journey here on earth, they wanted to still be around in the lives of those they loved. The person sitting there then shared that just recently a Blue Jay had been visiting their garden, and they had even said, “hey I think that is dad keeping an eye on us”. They asked “could it be him”? We looked at each other and smiled, she then connected all the dots from the reading to get her own confirmation. Sometimes it isn’t always that simple, but when we are open, heart centred, we are more likely to sense that communication from spirit. Because there has been an increased amount of uncertainty relating to this,due to people opening up spiritually, there seem to more questions than answers. Spirit has suggested I offer some insights to those opening up on their journey. Therefore I am pleased to offer a new service that I call Spiritual Clarity. It is a 30 minute phone or Skype session where you can ask whatever questions you like related to my work, opening up on your spiritual journey and so on. Meanwhile I invite you to be open to receive your own connection with spirit, your loved ones who have crossed over to the other side in the vibration of love. Vibrational Blessings, Debbie A. Anderson If you are interested in finding out more about whether a Spiritual Clarity session would help you, click on the link http://www.vibrational-energy.com/spiritual-clarity-session.html ![]() Every day I try to make time to meditate, to connect for myself. To gain insights, realignment, and of course to link into that inner peace that sometimes seems to get forgotten in our busy lives. In my work I have always been blessed to be privy to things, even in that mist or fog of not truly knowing what was being shared, until later on. You know what I am talking about. We get the signs, the indicators, and yes, we listen, but sometimes spirit don’t fully share with us what this will translate to until it is all ready to unfold... and YES, ultimately it is in their timeline not ours. And although, for me, patience isn’t a virtue I am embracing, I usually get it when the curtains are opened and the story unfolds before me. Today I spent longer than usual, contemplating things with people I hold near and dear to my heart, namely my father, and a dear friend who always believed in me, no matter if I had any human related doubts about my work and direction - both are now in spirit. As always, my guides and helpers were close by my side allowing me to tap into whatever messages, insights or connections they felt would guide and assist me during this time of introspection. While meditating and connecting to my higher self, spirit channeled these words that I am sharing with you all because I don’t think they are just for me alone. At this time dear children the earth is in transition, it has held within it centuries of pains, angers & frustrations that have been “rooted” from the ancestors for thousands upon thousands of Universal years. The eruptions and disturbances she has released are a reflection of the inner hurt she has held onto and now needs to liberate and let go of..... just as you, dear ones, have been doing. Loving thy self, learning to put self doubts and fears to one side, to be connected to your vibrational frequency in alignment with all that you need to do at this time. So we ask you to allow that soul essence to free itself....vibrating for your deliverance. We have always invited you to strive for integrity, honor and the truth that resides within each of you, and for many the years since 2012 you have worked on what you need to, to make a difference to you. Moving, releasing, shifting and letting go of anything that is no longer required within your spiritual enlightenment. You have done well. You have placed your trust in your heart and moved out of your limbic mind into this sanctuary allowing new DNA to be activated. Letting go of some, if not all of the pain that you carried with you.. new paradigms, new frequencies, new opportunities are there for many of you. For those not shifting from the 2nd and 3rd dimensions into the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensional reality, they will stay there, but that is their choice. For those who try to transition, based on lies and untruths they will not move forward, but stay in a looping vortex not realizing it is them that holds them there. During the past few (human) years we have realigned many ,yet at the same time removed some from the energy work they felt they were doing. This is all as it was ordained. For anyone who is still doubting that the truth will set them free, need to become heart centred and let go of the jealousy, the hatred, the fear that has been rooted in their heart.... for this will consume them. By July/August time the realignment will be coming to a close, but what it opens up is the opportunity for you our dear ones to see through the eyes of your soul, with the help of the light beings who are already coming amongst you. Each of you has your task, your role to fulfil, so do it with dignity and embrace the vibrational joy that you deserve. All that we offer you is with love. For you to love each other, to help each other because this is not about struggle or rivalry, this is about each one of you being on your sacred journey, heart centred. We are of love, you are of love and these are things you have forgotten along the way .... they became dormant in the earth, deep down under the hurt, anxiety and oppressive tendencies. Light workers, healers and energy workers will be called upon to assist others with their awakening, by sending them love, pure unconditional love... no judgement will be there. For those not tuned into this, if, in their work, they are of false heart, controlling or manipulating others it will be acknowledged, not punished because that is not something we do to you. You will feel the weight lifting from your shoulders, from your heart and centre yourself on the frequency of loving you, loving others and being at peace with you. We are the Centre of A, vibrational blessings to you all. Channelled to Debbie A. Anderson May 12, 2018 |
Debbie A. AndersonAs we awaken the vibration within, so the healing begins and we learn to love and live. Archives
September 2021