Last night spirit shared the song... Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Upon waking I decided to sit, meditate & do a little research for myself, because although, like many of you, I know this to be a American Negro spiritual song representing the path to freedom I wondered, why share it now... with everything that is happening in our world... What I have been receiving lately from spirit are symbolic codes. Some which I have been able to decipher.. others still a work in progress. The CHARIOT in this song offered transportation for the soul to heaven... God having thousands of chariots meaning a sign of his power. In the Bible it is of things good ... and TRUTH... In Tarot this card denotes determination, motion, BALANCE, it is of the element water which is connected to our emotions. I relate to the image in this card , being Archangel Raphael, the healer, holding his staff. His name alone indicates “ God Heals.” The words “A BAND OF ANGELS..” to me defines strength, standing strong, being unbreakable because of FAITH... belief...... Being optimistic ... not giving in.... because when we all “band” together... we create hope... optimism... in the final part of the song... it determines spiritual freedom... liberation.... spiritually. “CARRY ME HOME” to me, spirit, heaven is home... it symbolizes the place where I/we belong... it is a place of pure unconditional LOVE... At the moment we may feel like we are being oppressed, held in place, for whatever reason... that is not the discussion... My conclusion... from my time meditating was that FREEDOM IS COMING... I saw myself in a chariot, up in the heavens, the sky was full of sunshine... and below me I could hear laughter from healthy, loving souls.... The link below is of the Fisk Jubilee Singers cirac 1909, may it bring you hope because all is NOT lost, we just haven't found the solution yet... but it is a coming... Vibrational Blessings, Debbie A. Anderson Thank you to everyone who joined myself & Ida Keightley on April 4, 2020 at 10.45pm EST for the global Ceremony of Awakening where one million meditators around the globe came together at the same time to raise the vibration & heal our world, our people, our planet... This is the message that was shared by that I shared with everyone on the Facebook live feed. Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson We gather in a time of unprecedented circumstances. In isolation, quarantine and displacement. As the global economy freefalls and the flood of fear and confusion sweeps the planet, we come together, in peace, in love and trust. We come together in the name of Truth, Connection, and Humility. Seeking Guidance and insights from the highest authority there is. The Divine light of that power some call God, Great Spirit, Divine Infinite Consciousness from where all of creation is born, and all gratitude belongs. Across all cultures and all creeds, we come together with one voice, one prayer, to a place of stillness in the collective consciousness of humanity. We sit as representatives of our tribes, our communities, our people and all the beings we share our planetary home with. For the great forests, the small ones that creep and crawl, the great ones of the oceans, all that slithers and swims, and flys on wings, we are here to serve all beings. In humility and trust, we serve the ultimate power of love and truth, the light of Great Spirit. What is our role in these coming days, how can we best be of service to the divine plan for our world? We ask now for forgiveness of ourselves and all beings that have lost their way and forgotten their place. We ask now for the dissolution of all institutions of fear and deceit. We ask for the dissolution of all manipulations and resistance to the divine plan. We ask for the light of Great Spirit to shine down upon the dark shadow that has spread across our world, to shine divine light into to all regions, into all homes, and all sacred places. We ask for healing and liberation to all those who are suffering. We ask for ease and grace as we transition into humanities divine plan and purpose in a new age of Divine Light. We ask for strength and guidance, we ask for vision and dreams, we ask for the healing and forgiveness of all the fallen ones that exist in fear and ignorance, that they too may come to the light of Great Spirits love. We call to the light of Great Spirit in all hearts to shine now. We call to the light of Great Spirit to awaken the sleepers to their divine purpose. We call the light of Great Spirit to shine bright through Mother Gaias heart, to fill the crystals and the mountains, the springs and the streams, the oceans and the rains, through the forests and valleys, through every flower, and every plant. We ask that this vigil of light and love grow and spread as a healing and awakening force. We ask for the support and guidance from all the forces of light to join us in this effort. We connect, we share and set for our sacred intention. We ask in humility and trust for forgiveness from all debts, contracts and bonds. We ask in humility and trust for peace between all beings. We ask in humility and trust for a healthy sustainable world to thrive in. We ask in humility and trust for abundance and freedom for all beings. We ask in humility and trust for the dreams of all light beings to flourish now. We ask in humility and trust for co-operation and harmony between all tribes and nations. We ask in humility and trust for truth and transparency between all people. We ask in humility and trust for the creative power of love to shine now. We ask in humility and trust for the Rule of Divine Lore to guide us. We ask in humility and trust for the guidance of Great Spirits eternal wisdom. We ask in Humility and trust for the light of Great Spirit to shine bright in our hearts. We ask in humility and trust for the forgiveness and liberation of all beings into the eternal splendor of the limitless light of Great Spirit. In perfect love and trust. Let the light shine! Remember the power of your heart, channels of light, bringers of love. United as a force of divine consciousness, let your voice be heard, ask and you shall receive. Open your hearts and open your minds, the possibilities are infinite. Now is the time to reclaim your birth right, to reclaim your power and your purpose. Stand strong in the face of ignorance, have courage to face the fear. There is a plan, a divine plan and we are all a part of it. You are needed now. Find time and commit to a daily practice and vigil to uphold this intention. Spread the word, shine your light. The time is now. I truly believe that we are drawn in a particular direction for a reason.. be it spiritual, love or life... maybe it is about revisiting and forgiving... maybe it is about embracing and learning... whatever it is, when we are in that intention, with complete synchronicity, we learn something. When we receive messages from the Universe they are timely, and although sometimes meant directly for us, every now and again they are for us to share with others. I have been seeing 444 in whatever form that spirit brings it towards me to see and today I want to share this with you. Not for any other reason than I feel guided to do so. At this moment, our world to some may feel like it is in chaos regarding belief and spirituality... possibly linked to past lives and the inaugural power struggles within mankind. I wonder if that state of flux is a reminder to me why I am eclectic in my work... standing alone is not necessarily lonely. My road, my decision, and thankfully we are all different... it is when we seek inside, listen, and respond to where we are guided that matters most. We are all here to receive the vibrational blessings on the road to what some refer to as the “awakening”, so the more we connect, calibrate to that frequency in awareness, the easier it does become. This is more about you discovering you, in the I AM essence, so step into that consciousness and let it assist you in whatever way you need. Each of us has a life journey, and of course the human element that is mixed into it, is our free will, so don’t ever feel you are not exactly where you should be at any given time. Because if you do, sadly you miss out on the “present”... the gift we receive every day. As someone once shared with me, every day we awake and it is a clean slate, we choose what we do with that day, in any given moment. If you are unsure, then ask your guardian angel to assist you. They are there whenever you need them, just speak up, spend time with them, just like you would an old friend. It is about trust, faith and of course patience. When we are in harmony, synchronized in our soul essence we don’t have to question is this the right path, am I exactly where I should be, because we have trusted that we will receive the signs, the notification if you like, from spirit. Whether this is listening to my intuition... my gut.... my heart. Unconditionally resonating with what happens... good, bad, happy, sad and ... everything in between. So, when I see 444 in whatever form it appears, it is memo from my guides, helpers, angels... God. Saying, you are amazing, you are on track, you are exactly where you should be right now, and when there, you are in full intention to absorb, observe and in that moment. Spirit communicate with us, so take some time to reflect on what messages you have been sent today, yesterday and be open and ready tomorrow. Vibrational Blessings, Debbie A. Anderson Sadly after a lot of research online I was unable to find out who put these beautiful thoughts together, some attributed it to Andy Rooney, but his publicist said these are not his words. Whomever collated them we thank you, because they are perfectly vibrational. I've learned.... That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person. I've learned.... That when you're in love, it shows. I've learned .... That just one person saying to me, 'You've made my day!' makes my day. I've learned.... That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world. I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being right. I've learned.... That you should never say no to a gift from a child. I've learned.... That I can always pray for someone when I don't have the strength to help them in any other way. I've learned.... That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with. I've learned.... That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand. I've learned....That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes. I've learned....That it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular. I've learned... That under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved. I've learned...That to ignore the facts does not change the facts. I've learned....That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you. I've learned.... That love, not time, heals all wounds. I've learned.... That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am. This is my contribution.... I invite you to share your what “I’ve Learned” in the comments below. I’ve learned .... That life is about living in unconditional vibrational Love. Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson As we draw closer to that season where some of you may feel overwhelmed unnecessarily in relationship to money, I want to share with you a vibrational way to attract abundance and let go of ANY struggles you have in your conscious mindset over accepting wealth and riches to yourself. You don’t have to choose between being spiritual and having money!! Money is a spiritual asset. The deeper connection you have within your heart with anything, yes, money included, invites it towards you, because it IS a vibration. It is just the way we choose to bring that vibration into our life. As it was shared with me many moons ago, the word money has an “m” before the word “one”, followed by the letter “y”. Take a moment to ponder on that, because everything is about the I AM. I am deserving .... or not..... inviting in the vibration of your one-ness. It following letter was something someone shared with me many moons ago. Yes, I have revamped it, and you of course are invited to add to it further, based on your perspective. In other words, this is not the ONLY way to manifest prosperity. Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson Dear Money, Please accept this letter from me apologizing for thinking you were hard to get and ultimately thinking I didn’t deserve you. I know your abundance is unlimited and I can receive it, because I am now open to take delivery of whatever prosperity you send to me. I’m sorry for thinking that if I had more of you I would feel guilty. I choose to love you positively, and have opened myself to receive you with love and gratitude. I know you are there to serve my highest good. I love you & look forward to our new relationship. I love you money. Vibrational Love Sunday, November 11, 2018 at 11am is sequential 11. This is a time for you to be present and intentional in your thoughts as manifestation on your focus (thoughts) is what will transpire. Seeing the number 1 repeating itself is a VERY positive sign, and a VERY powerful vibrational time for focusing your heart centred thoughts on what you want, need and desire in your life. It is a time to release any negative emotions that maybe holding you back from achieving the transformation within you.... so as the movie FROZEN states... let it go, let it go, let it go..... This gateway of the duality of the Oneness is open to inviting us to walk on our pathway of Universal love and acceptance. KNOWING, yep, that’s right, knowing that whatever you either positively or negatively think (the dual edged sword) influences us at this time. I know I will be open to whatever new and exciting synchronistic activation spirit sends to me, in total Vibrational Trust! I have shared with many of you, that this year, 2018 is the year of shedding off anything that is holding us back. Digging up any skeletons that we buried without releasing... letting go of ANYTHING that no longer serves us. This eleventh month, just like the eleventh hour in decision making is very integral... and opening up that energetic gateway into our spiritual realm of completeness. Remember the only thing you own is your thoughts, so be wise to what you invite in at this time. This is a VERY clear and concise message from our angels, guardians and spirit helpers/guides. Therefore your thoughts can and will manifest into your reality. So, what will you take the time to focus on at 11am on November 11, 2018? The list is infinite and only you and your beliefs will bring you into your vibrational enlightenment. How do you manifest at this time? Easy, sit in peace and quietness, (yes, that means turning off your electronics) at 11am (wherever in the world you live) and set your intention to what you want, need and desire within your life... your world... our Universe. The choice is yours. Sit and listen to what that intentional vibration means to you. That means connecting in your heart, not your head. Take some nice gentle breaths. Breathe in what you need, want, desire and as you breathe out release what you no longer need-anything that doesn't serve you. Continue doing this over and over again.... slowly.... listening to your heart as you feel what it is sharing with you.... do this for ONE MINUTE... yes, wow, that long!!! If you are NOT sure that what you want is right for you.... add to the end of your request.... this or something to my highest good..... or this or something better. That way you are not locked into anything other than what spirit feel is what you need based on your request (smile). When the minute is finished, thank your guides, helpers, angels... the Universe... take one last nice cleansing breath, and let it go. Now go and enjoy the rest of the day knowing you have taken the time for that connection with 11 : 11 : 11 : 11. Vibrational Blessings, Debbie A. Anderson Just lately I have been given messages in so many forms and in both waking and sleep state through meditation and dreams. So when I get these messages, signs, symbols what can I do with them? Well, for me, I ask spirit to clarify as the day goes on if I have encountered the information in dream state. Usually I find as the day unfolds that more and more information is given to me... and again this can be though heartfelt connections, symbols or metaphors. So it is up to me to piece this puzzle together-which I love to do. So when I recently got pyramids in two different formats-dream and meditation, I invited in the possibilities on what that could mean to me personally and also with the bigger picture scenario too. Usually I clarify or confirm things I have been given by researching online, reading books and so on. It is called processing. But the other element that isn’t written in stone, is what does something mean to us on a personal level... what does it invoke, bring forth into our conscious vibrational mind? And this is where you begin to create your own book of thoughts, feelings and spiritual senses... because after all, they do all come from within you. Although I have never truly been attracted to visit Egypt or the pyramids, for me when they come into my life through dream, meditation, I connect with both the possibility of alien encounters on our earth or beings of a higher level of consciousness than our humanness. Because even if I look at the possibility of thousands of slaves creating them, at some point a divine creator/architect had to draw up very intricate plans and know how they would work, because when the first one was built, there were no prototypes to align them with, in our world at least. So, now let’s look at what pyramids mean to me personally, and try and put some context into the way I came to my conclusions. Pyramids are triangles, which to mean personally bring forth the concept of the trilogy of life – whether that is father, son & holy ghost; past, present and future; beginning, middle & end or heaven, earth, water. Plus all the other amazing connections relating to the number three, such as the third dimension; three phases of the moon; creative power; moving forward; manifestation and so on. The pyramids to me also hold secrets, not only of the souls buried within them but a bit like us with the skeletons we hide in our respective closets, the tomb holds enigmas and symbology that in some cases has yet to be deciphered. It is also about mystery, the bigger picture, astral travel, rituals and spirituality. It can be a symbol of death, as it is a crypt. But not in the sense of actual death, for me it is about re-birth, new beginnings within my higher self. Elevating my “self” to connect and emerge within my soul bringing greater spiritual significance. I sat for a while today and allowed my beautiful group, the Centre of A to channel, and here is what I received. Connecting with the divine is sacred, so this bridge of information is a vital communication with the earth, your mother at this time. This is just one of the many special messages that will be sent to light workers around the Universe to connect with, to work with and keep the symbol within their soul frequency. The pyramid received will transform into an interconnection of three levels within itself, so imagine a pyramid within a pyramid, within itself again, but each sitting just slightly off centre to themselves creating a star like pattern. Each of these “points” will emit a shaft of light creating a spectrum of maybe one or many colors depending up how it needs to be activated. This pyramid shape will be centred in the heart chakra, but will be communicated to the third eye when activated, brought into use. This is about the Law of Earth, raising the dimensions from third to eighth level, and beyond, each holding, giving out their own density frequency. Bringing towards you the inner divine that connects the balance of your two identities.. the real existence of consciousness connected to the unconditional love of your self, your earth, your universal spiritual awareness. There is a great need... requirement for your earth to be reconnected to itself in what we call a planetary web. This to you would be like seeing a spider’s web that when the threads are broken the spider repairs them bridging the labyrinth... this is where the light is used in conjunction with vibrational sound. This is what was encoded within... predetermined. Each internal pyramid will connect with each external pyramid allowing the vibrational activation to be complete. Wait, the time is coming, more will be given when we are ready. Within each of us is the sacredness of our divine. Whether this translates to pyramids, unicorns or other mystical experiences, it doesn’t matter. It is about your interpretation on these connections and what they mean to you. If you haven’t already stated journaling, I invite you to begin today and see what messages you receive to assist you along your pathway. Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson In the work I do as a clairvoyant medium, I have many beautiful experiences through spirit as they connect with me, especially when I am doing a reading for someone. Every reading is different, but when spirit unite with their loved ones here on earth, it is always with pure unconditional love. Many times the reason someone comes for a reading is to find out how their loved one is doing after passing into spirit, or as I call it, crossing over to the other side. They want reassurance on many things, but some of the most memorable questions are... Did they arrive safely? Who was there to meet them? Has their pain gone? How are they doing now? Spirit, because they are still connected with us through the “love” vibration, know these are our concerns so these questions seem to always show me, that spirit want us to be reassured that they are doing well, the pain has gone, and they are happy. I like to share with people the analogy, that it is like someone we love, going on vacation and not knowing if anyone will be there, that they know, to meet them. In our humanness, we can get concerned for that traveller, because this is something new, something unfamiliar and because we love them, we want it to all be good. I am blessed to convey, that no one leaves this world alone, that they are always met by someone on the other side. Usually, if we have been present at the end of that soul’s journey, they may have from time to time near the end, seem to be either looking in the distance at something we cannot see with our human sight, or talking to someone who is not us. This is spirit connecting that person with what I like to call their travel buddy. This is usually, but not always, someone they know and love that has already passed over. A family member, a friend, and even on occasions a pet that they loved and cared for in life. All their questions are answered and although it may seem like a new and uncharted journey, they are being reminded that this is not the first time they have done this. Our soul, in human form forget a lot of the details so they are reassured everything has been taken care of for them, and that they are there waiting for them, when they are ready to leave this vibration, this incarnation. In the past, when someone came to see me, it was usually some time after the person had crossed over. But what I am finding now, because of the immense love vibration that has grown due to the ascension of souls in the past few years, is spirit are consenting those going through their transition, to come back almost immediately to reassure their loved ones all is well. One of the factors I am noticing is that those here who have said goodbye to a loved one are getting more perceptive to them being around them. What I share is that sometimes spirit send us a message in a hope we can connect to that vibration to know it is them. Many times during a reading that clarification has been confirmed and reassurance given so that loved one knows they can connect themselves, but in a different vibration. I try to remind people that when someone leaves this world, that any memory that we have of them, connects us to them, and the highest form of connection is through the love vibration. What I mean by that is when our memory connects with that person in spirit in joy, love and with affection, that thread becomes stronger, so the person on the other side can send back down messages that we will see, sense, feel or hear in some way. Some people have told me that when they see a butterfly they know it is a certain person, the same type of bird that comes into their garden to visit them, and so on. We just have to connect the dots to understand. Here is an example of someone who passed into spirit. The messages I received from them for their loved one covered many things including the sense that he would “show” himself as something floating, which I interpreted as something like a butterfly, bird, feather etc. Throughout the reading the color blue kept coming up through his memories, and because this soul was so loving and caring during their journey here on earth, they wanted to still be around in the lives of those they loved. The person sitting there then shared that just recently a Blue Jay had been visiting their garden, and they had even said, “hey I think that is dad keeping an eye on us”. They asked “could it be him”? We looked at each other and smiled, she then connected all the dots from the reading to get her own confirmation. Sometimes it isn’t always that simple, but when we are open, heart centred, we are more likely to sense that communication from spirit. Because there has been an increased amount of uncertainty relating to this,due to people opening up spiritually, there seem to more questions than answers. Spirit has suggested I offer some insights to those opening up on their journey. Therefore I am pleased to offer a new service that I call Spiritual Clarity. It is a 30 minute phone or Skype session where you can ask whatever questions you like related to my work, opening up on your spiritual journey and so on. Meanwhile I invite you to be open to receive your own connection with spirit, your loved ones who have crossed over to the other side in the vibration of love. Vibrational Blessings, Debbie A. Anderson If you are interested in finding out more about whether a Spiritual Clarity session would help you, click on the link I have to admit that I haven’t written a blog in some time, and it isn’t for the lack of trying. Today I am sharing a beautiful blog written by a friend of mine, Caroline Kimsey, amazing healer and all round spiritual vibration. It is heart-felt, and that is very important... it focuses on us, loving us first and foremost, something I try to remind you... and myself. So read, interpret and absorb what fits in your world in this moment. Hearts are appearing everywhere reminding us of this wonderful energy we have inside of us. Our heart energy is always elevated and vibrates fully when we practice self love. Self Love being the true knowing of who we are and healing the parts of us that separate us from our authentic self allowing us to have a respectful, kind and loving relationship with our self which then will emanate into all our relationships. The wisdom of Shakespeare still encourages us to be the best we can today: “This Above All, To thine own self be true.” I know every one of us is on our own healing journey in whatever way we feel guided to. I think this is the true gift of self love because until we can address, go through our wounds and come out the other side, we cannot heal them. Building these new foundations or planting these healthy gardens is our gift to our “self” and I know it takes courage. I applaud you all for loving yourselves enough to have the courage to do this and for the change you make to the collective energy with each step to wholeness you take. Every one of us struggles with judgment. We judge other people's politics, words, clothing, appearance, parenting choice etc, etc, etc. To the point that we don't even notice anymore! It has become a habit/addiction usually started in childhood by those around us and then carried on. Also it is something we can turn on ourselves perpetuating the untruths people told us over our lives. Next time you notice you are judging yourself or others instead of listening to the words take a moment to listen to the voice. If you listen carefully you will probably begin to identify other people - parent’s maybe? Peers? Friends? Work Colleagues? Note other peoples' judgements you have taken on and use. When we do this, it's much easier to stop, as we can see how this is not OUR heart speaking. Judgement is the opposite too self love, no matter who it is directed too. It's a habit that you can break with mindfulness and it will give you a lot more peace when you do. Gabrielle Bernstein, author of Judgment Detox: Release the Beliefs That Hold You Back from Living a Better Life wrote this: Judging gives you a hangover When we judge, we get an instant hit of self-righteousness, but subconsciously we know we're separating ourselves from who we really are: compassionate, kind people. As a result, we feel guilty once our high wears off—and to avoid that feeling, we have to judge someone else. This cycle weakens us mentally and physically. Judging isolates you We develop addictions because we're trying to numb a core wound, which is usually rooted in childhood. Maybe someone told you that you weren't good enough, or you experienced some other kind of trauma that left you feeling all alone. To avoid experiencing that pain again, you project it onto others by pointing out their flaws. Our fear leads us to attack—but re-enacting the trauma of the past only creates more loneliness and disconnection. Judging prevents healing You have to be willing to look at your darkness in order to see the light. That's why the first step in a judgment detox is just to witness it without blaming ourselves. We judge because we're separated from love; to stop the cycle, we have to cultivate self-love. The second step is to honor that core wound. Next time you have the urge to judge, ask yourself what moment from the past is triggering you to feel this way. When we can understand ourselves, healing begins. Judging leaves you powerless Many people feel safer when they judge, as if they're controlling their circumstances, but hatred only creates more hatred. Those hours you might spend fuming about the news, for instance, could be used in a more positive way, like volunteering for a cause you care about, engaging in creative projects or spending quality time with people you love. Recovering from judgment addiction gives us back our power and lifts up everyone around us, too. To heal the world, we have to live the truth in every corner of our lives. Recovery isn't easy—but when we let go of judgment, we make room for love and joy. It's like staying sober: You can't really enjoy a drink again because you know how good it feels to live without it. I certainly couldn’t have written this better than Caroline, so I give heartfelt thanks for her sharing this with us all. We cannot begin to walk our walk.. speak our truth until we love our “self” first and foremost, and most of all doing that unconditionally. This month is February, the month of love, so start cultivating and nurturing you with the love YOU deserve. It takes practice.. and we all know practice makes perfect. Vibrational Blessings, Debbie For any of you that are still feeling the “drag” of energy since the Las Vegas shooting, please can I invite you to do these three vibrational things to boost your energy and the energy of those around you.
At this moment in time our world is yet again transitioning – changing up the energy. Testing us if you like! And yes, the tests will continue, it’s called LIFE. Whenever you are wondering what comes next, take a moment to step into your energy, the beautiful vibration that placed you here right in this moment, reading this blog. You are part of the change, within yourself and your world. This moment was pre-determined when you wrote your contract of what you would do and be in this current life. Do you have a choice? Yes, of course you do, but do you want to be in an awakened state or a sleeper? I know which one I would choose and have chosen to be. Vibrational Blessings, Debbie |
Debbie A. AndersonAs we awaken the vibration within, so the healing begins and we learn to love and live. Archives
September 2021