![]() I truly love inspired days... and I mean those that spirit inspire me to sit down ... with a thought... open my laptop... and face that blank white screen ... and begin to type. Call it divinely inspired, automatic writing, heaven sent communication.. whatever you call it... that is what it is and embrace the blessings and thanks that you are open to receive. So, today, when I awoke and heard, amidst all the other scrambling and ramblings in our world at the moment.... What is Your Agenda? I immediately looked at my diary, the things I had to do... my commitments... basically what my day and the rest of this week was opening up for me.... Then I stopped, closed my eyes and listened.... because for me personally, that is where I get my best insights.... While sitting there in silence... listening... awaiting what divine messages would be shared with me... I heard again.... so... what is your agenda.... Today.... tomorrow..... next week? Hmmm... should I open my eyes... check my diary... am I missing something were all possible ramblings inside my head. Then came more silence.... yes, I love my team... shut her up with silence... it works every time. Yes, I know, they KNOW me. Questions, questions.... then they bring it on... the silence I mean. This is when I KNOW spirit want me to review and go further within... i.e. they have sprinkled the breadcrumbs on this particular pathway... now follow them... and see .... feel.... be in silence to hear what transpires. My life... just like yours can and WILL change, based on our belief system. It will evolve and transpire based on what we invite into us.... right now .... in any given moment. As you are reading this blog, you too will be creating thoughts... concepts. Maybe even think what a load of tosh (a British slang term, which I invite you to look up). When we are open... ready.... and I mean READY to receive, infinite possibilities will come forth. Fill our head, fill our whole being with potential “anythings”. Whether it is a new way to do this... a different concept on that..... a for or against... a change in a paradigm... yes the cogs and wheels within us start to move... begin to open up so much... maybe for right now... or later on down the line of life. Every day, when we awake, we are given 24 hours to BE.... to open our eyes... to open our heart... and create our OWN agenda. Whether to participate or not? This is your right too. Truly it is. My agenda is to ever evolve, to empower myself in whatever way I need, want and desire. Empower others by the way I respond or react. One definition of Empowerment in the dictionary reads “The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights”. And of course “Agenda is defined as a list or outline of things to be considered or done.” What if I, were to share that you have the authority, that you have the power to create your own agenda... and YES the God given ability to follow through. Would you do it for yourself? I cannot answer that, I cannot tell you what your agenda should or shouldn’t be. But instead I can share that my agenda, for myself, for those who read my words, that I will continue to raise the vibration and share the positive with heart centred love. If you have not heard or read the poem “Start Where You Stand” by By Berton Braley (1882-1966) www.BertonBraley.com I invite you to take a moment to read his words in a hope they may open up something within you to create your own agenda in consideration. Start where you stand and never mind the past, The past won't help you in beginning new, If you have left it all behind at last, Why, that's enough, you're done with it, you're through. This is another chapter in the book, This is another race that you have planned, Don't give the vanished days a backward look, Start where you stand. The world won't care about your old defeats If you can start anew and win success, The future is your time, and time is fleet And there is much of work and strain and stress. Forget the buried woes and dead despairs, Here is a brand new trial right at hand, The future is for him who does and dares, Start where you stand. Old failures will not halt, old triumphs aid, Today's the thing, tomorrow soon will be; Get in the fight and face it unafraid, And leave the past to ancient history. What has been, has been; yesterday is dead And by it you are neither blessed nor banned, Take courage, man, be brave and drive ahead, Start where you stand. I hope you are encouraged to acknowledge within your soul that EVERYTHING in life STARTS where you stand........
Knowing that... What is your agenda? Vibrational Blessings, Debbie ![]() What I am sharing with you is from Bruce Lipton.. his words... read, digest ... or not... we have choices at this time more than EVER before. “What do you fear?” In the current pandemic, are you concerned about a loss of income during the quarantine, or an inability to pay for needed healthcare at a medical center, or perhaps, for most, the ultimate fear is the vision of dying from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). My intention is to CALM the fears generated by the media continuously repeating that the “sky is falling.” So … here is my March Update on COVID-19. Firstly, “What is a virus?” A virus is neither a living or metabolizing organism, they are simply membrane-bound protein capsules containing genetic programs. As described in The Biology of Belief, a cell is the equivalent of a programmable computer chip, with the cell nucleus representing a hard drive containing gene programs. A virus is the equivalent of a computer flash drive (memory stick) downloaded with gene programs. When receptors on the viral membrane complement receptors on a target cell, the virus plugs into the cell and downloads its memory, the programs that hijack control of the infected cell. I have divided this update into 4 individual topics, followed by an assessment of the data and a list of Bruce’s “suggested” Best Practices. The topics are: A) The Coronavirus, B) Coronavirus Mortality, C) Hospital-Medical Relief, and D) Financial/Medical consequences during work layoffs. A) The Coronavirus The coronavirus historically causes a flu. The symptoms of a flu can range anywhere between generating an uncomfortable feeling to causing death. Flues come around every year in the cold season because the variety of respiratory viruses replicate faster in temperatures lower than body temperature (98.6oF or 37oC). Viruses thrive in the respiratory track in winter due to the breathing-in of colder air. Flu season is annual and generally the differences among the viruses each new season represent mutations (variations) of previous flu viruses. Human immune systems have dealt with variations of common flu viruses over centuries. The cross-reactivity of antigen sites (the parts of the virus that induces an immune response) on older and newer versions of the flu have pre-primed the human immune systems to suppress the aggressiveness of newer flu mutations. And this is why the COVID-19 is problematic: This novel version of coronavirus-19 has antigenic characters that have not been previously experienced by human immune systems. Consequently, without any previous infections, almost all humans are susceptible to experience COVID-19. The biological novelty of this virus makes it quite infectious, and for some, a serious illness. The powers-to-be have seen fit to distance the novel COVID-19 as something other than a flu. The fact is, by definition, COVID-19 is a respiratory flu virus and as mentioned earlier, flues express a range of symptoms from unpleasantness to death. The mortality rate of conventional flues range between 0.1% to 1% of the infected patients across the globe. The range of deaths is predicated on the nature of the flu virus and the health conditions of the public in each country. Recent years have seen some very virulent flues: MERS (mortality 3.5%), H1N1 (500,000 dead in 2009), SARS (mortality 10%). B) Coronavirus Mortality Annual flues in the United States are responsible for about 0.1% of flu-infected patients dying. The novelty of the current coronavirus-19, recently introduced to the human population, has so far, as of March 20th according to the CDC website: led to the deaths of 201 of the recently reported 15,219 COVID-19 cases in the U.S., a mortality rate of 1.4%. Globally, the coronavirus 2019 percent mortality has ranged from about 4% to less than 1%. The COVID-19 mortality data is biased and massively stress-producing! The percent of victims dying from the COVID-19 flu is based upon the total number of patients dying divided by the total number of cases that have been tested by a doctor or a medical center. The problem with the math is that symptoms of tens of thousands of COVID-19 patients either did not warrant going to a doctor, or were unreported because they could not afford to go the doctor. The significance is until ALL the COVID-19 patients were counted and divided into the number of deaths, my belief is that the “death rate” would actually be less than 1%. As reported in my previous coronavirus assessment, and now supported by data from China, the majority of COVID-19 deaths have occurred among adults aged ≥60 years and among persons with serious underlying health conditions. The data is simple, COVID-19 deaths are primarily associated with the elderly and infirmed. If you are not part of that population, the vast majority of COVID-19 infected people will most likely not have serious symptoms. If you are a part of that population, there are ways to support your immune systems, see below. Most importantly, even those few that do end up with serious respiratory distress can be safely managed by medical teams. C) Hospital-Medical Relief I believe this is one of the main problems attributed to coronavirus disease 2019. As described above, the immunological novelty of this coronavirus means that almost all of the population is susceptible to this infection. The rate of disease spread is greater than any other flu, perhaps since the devastating flu epidemic that killed about 50 million people around the globe in 1918. The current problem with the medical system is 2-fold: A) Annual flues send a very much smaller population to seek medical attention. As a consequence, doctors and clinics can handle the low flow rate of patients and necessary supplies. But the infectious rate and, for many, the severity of COVID-19 symptoms, have sent droves of people to seek medical attention at the same time. The overwhelm experienced by medical staff and shortages of supplies is profoundly interfering with patients getting readily available relief for their symptoms. B) The government is significantly responsible for the failure of our medical system to manage infected patients. Between dismissing the country’s governmental committee dealing with epidemics and reducing the budgets of the NIH and other health-related agencies, the medical community has been undermined and left profoundly short-handed by the current administration. To deal with this major COVID-19 threat, it is vitally important to reduce the load on the healthcare system. This is the intention implied in “flatten the curve,” which simply means reduce the rate of infections through practices such as those suggested below. D) Financial/Medical Consequences of Quarantine At the current time the public is experiencing a rising cost of living while collecting stagnant wages. The consequence of the current work layoffs is economically staggering for those not receiving a paycheck. Simply, issues associated with threats to survival represent one of the most influential sources of stress. The economic stress combined that with the fact that a large portion of the population cannot afford healthcare is enough stress to inhibit the immune system and significantly exacerbate the spreading disease. As described in the Biology of Belief, stress hormones shut down the immune system when the body is in an adrenal-driven state of fight or flight. Stress hormones are so effective at inhibiting the immune system, surgeons therapeutically provide patients awaiting organ transplants with stress hormones so that their immune systems will not immediately reject the foreign tissue. It is a scientific fact that positive and negative thinking have a profound effect on the function of the immune system. One of the leading fronts in immunologic research is the field of Psychoneuroimmunology. Broken down into its root words: immunology is the body’s system that protects against internal infections. Neuro-immunology is the study of how the brain controls the immune system. Psycho-neuroimmunology is the science of how consciousness shapes the brain’s control of the immune system. Psychoneuroimmunology research clearly reveals that consciousness controls the function of the immune system. Positive consciousness is responsible for the Placebo Effect, wherein the mind can heal almost any disease, while stress and negative thinking create the Nocebo Effect, which can cause almost any disease. The fear of COVID-19 coupled with the resulting threats to survival profoundly inhibits the population’s immune system and further exacerbates the epidemic. CONCLUSION: Many people who fall ill with the new COVID-19 disease will most likely experience mild, flu-like symptoms, fever, coughing and a sore throat, with over 80% of infected people having a mild to moderate illness that lasts about two weeks. The remaining 20% will have more severe symptoms that may need medical attention, but these symptoms can be relieved with proper treatment. The media’s emphasis on the COVID-19 death statistics is a mathematical bias whose stressful forecast is itself responsible for weakening the public’s immune systems and aggravating the spread of disease. The biggest problem facing the public in this epidemic is not the rate of mortality, it is the overwhelming stress on doctors, nurses and the medical system which is not prepared to deal with a massive epidemic. Is the COVID-19 epidemic to go on and on? The answer is clearly NO! As is evidenced by the almost complete cessation of new COVID-19 cases in China and South Korea, the epidemic will come to an end. Bruce’s Suggested Best Practices: To stay healthy there a few practices that will empower your immune system and lessen any COVID-19 symptoms. 1) Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Eat nutritious natural, organic food; take vitamins and supplements, especially large doses of Vitamin C; wash more frequently than normal, back away from the computer and move about (something I have to learn to do as well!). 2) Recognize that the vast majority of healthy people, below 65 years of age, are likely to have only mild COVID-19 symptoms. Those whose health is already compromised, and those who are elderly and receiving care are the most susceptible to severe illness. These individuals should take ALL proscribed cautions offered by the CDC. 3) Make every effort to de-stress! Sports, play, Nature walks, meditation exercises, be in Love, read a book, watch a movie. Basically, RELAX, for this will significantly enhance the function of your immune system and reduce the severity of any COVID-19 symptom. 4) You can help in “flattening the curve” to prevent overwhelming the medical system by taking care of yourself and supporting those in need in your community. Following the present governmental guidelines to stay home and physically distance from others will also help to not overwhelm the medical system. These are health-enhancing practices that will empower your immune system while helping others overcome their fears and infection. As with my previous message on the COVID-19 epidemic, there will be those that will thank me for these calming insights and there will be others who will chastise me for not taking this epidemic more seriously. For the latter group, I do take your perspective very seriously. If you consciously feel that I have underestimated the severity of coronavirus 2019, I want to honor your concern and suggest that, by ALL MEANS, engage in every protection practice suggested by the CDC and any other sources whose advice you ascribe to. Through the nocebo effect alone, fearful thoughts will inhibit the immune system and open you to infection. However, a calm state of mind and healthy lifestyle are the best prescription in weathering this seasonal storm! With Love and Light, Bruce H. Lipton PhD. Author of The Biology Of Belief https://www.brucelipton.com/ ![]() For me one of the many things I value is my friendships with others, and of course very much theirs with me. As a friend I try to turn up, be present, in my intention at any moment when they feel they need me. Sometimes, due to other things happening in my life I am not always able to be there, right in that moment for them. But in some way I do reach out and show them the love I have in them and the belief that life will sort itself out... and so on. The big thing for me is if I have said I will be there to help them in some way, call them or whatever I have agreed to do...regardless of whatever comes up in my life, I WILL follow through, come hell or high water. As someone once said to me... “....unless you have a death certificate there are NO excuses.” The reason I am sharing, is that in our world at present, we talk about, mostly via social media, having lots of friends and count them as being there when we need them, or vice versa. But sadly, it isn’t necessarily the case. Someone once said to me, “In your line of work you must have lots and lots of friends?” To which I replied, “....no actually I have one or two... maybe even three people who have been there in my life, to whom I, with blessings call friends”. They seemed surprised and I feel a little disappointed. But for me, friends are a very special connection. And friendship takes work, time, commitment. It cannot be one sided in any way. As you sow, so shall you reap! Yes, I have many acquaintances, and for that I feel doubly, if not triply blessed. I am truly not sharing this with you for you to feel sorry for me, but instead inviting you to reflect upon those in your world who have been there for you, through thick & thin, laughter & tears and STILL love you as much as you love them. These are what true friends look like, in every shape and form, so value and be thankful for them. Which is my segue to change the conversation to Dragonflies and what they mean to me and how this all ties together. On my tour to the Maritimes this Fall, I was blessed to have an event at Dragonflys & Dreams in Sydney, Cape Breton, on completion, the owner Sharon, blessed me with a beautiful dragonfly crystal hanging one for my window at home. And it now has pride of place next to other crystals & a stained glass piece in my office area. The Dragonfly symbolizes change, transformation, adaptability, and self-realization. Which at this moment in our world, we are facing both personally & worldly EVERY single day. So keep that in mind folks. As a totem it is about wisdom, and when it turns up in our life it is a reminder to bring about more lightness & joy allowing our true colors to shine through. To be our vibrational self on all levels and standing tall and powerful in that energy. They appear in our life, when it is time to bring about change, this is when spirit are engaging us to see our full potential. To live and experience life for our self in acceptance that metamorphosis is about to occur. And with that I say “Bring it on, I am ready!” Spirit offers up to us this self realization every day, in some form or another. Whether it is something we see, hear or discover. Maybe someone gives us something or guides us to somewhere. And in that moment, when we reach our own “Aha” realization, we are reminded that spirit are there for us, in our corner, so to speak, helping us every step of the way. I truly pray your day, your week, and your life is filled with friendship, dragonflies & self realization and in every moment your vibrational essence turns up and is there in intention. Vibrational Blessings, Debbie A. Anderson ![]() Sadly after a lot of research online I was unable to find out who put these beautiful thoughts together, some attributed it to Andy Rooney, but his publicist said these are not his words. Whomever collated them we thank you, because they are perfectly vibrational. I've learned.... That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person. I've learned.... That when you're in love, it shows. I've learned .... That just one person saying to me, 'You've made my day!' makes my day. I've learned.... That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world. I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being right. I've learned.... That you should never say no to a gift from a child. I've learned.... That I can always pray for someone when I don't have the strength to help them in any other way. I've learned.... That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with. I've learned.... That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand. I've learned....That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes. I've learned....That it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular. I've learned... That under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved. I've learned...That to ignore the facts does not change the facts. I've learned....That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you. I've learned.... That love, not time, heals all wounds. I've learned.... That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am. This is my contribution.... I invite you to share your what “I’ve Learned” in the comments below. I’ve learned .... That life is about living in unconditional vibrational Love. Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson ![]() Hands up all you healers, spirit & light workers out there that in the past week or so had a strange onset of a cold, cough, depression etc. Something out of the blue, not the norm! Be honest, please. But read this first so you are in full understanding. Last week I attended a spiritual drumming group. I set my intention BE OPEN –PRESENT!! There were 4 drumming chants to honor the 4 directions encompassing emotional healing, the divine feminine, love & strength. It was vibrational. A day or so later out of the blue came this weird dry cough manifesting within I thought, great.. a shift.. bring it on! Now I don’t get sick, but IF I do get a snap of something I use the mantra ALREADY HEALED, so that I accept that I am not sick, but shifting something within in my divine vibrational essence. It was ONLY after I recorded my weekly reading Vibrational Changeling that I had this epiphany from spirit who kindly awoke me to at 2.22am to share. Gotta love ‘em. (222 is about heading towards success..new beginnings, having balance & most of all being ready-Yay!) And here comes the but... yes, everyone has a butt. There are always other elements at work in our Universe, just as there are upon Earth. The fine tuned balance between negative & positive... good & bad are within those etheric frequencies. Let’s just step back here. In the past year or so there have been many light workers who have passed to spirit, stepped away/off their spiritual path or just been removed/eradicated for whatever reason. I don’t judge, I am just sharing what spirit explained. And here comes the BUT.... but many have been affected... or should I say infected by the dark side. Of course most spirit workers don’t EVER want to address or talk about this aspect, or are not in complete awareness. Thus creating a resistance, that builds both within us & outside based on the influences surrounding us. The most important element is that the Spiritual awakening that is currently occurring HAS to embody both sides of your soul to come into its divine power.. especially at this time!! So don’t suppress this, invite your psyche to read on & if it resonates with you, then so be it. We, our self, our community, our world, our Universe need to be in balance of both dark & light! Think of a battery, it requires a chemical medium of both positive & negative ions for the electrical energy to flow. If the cells “die” it is because it can no longer sustain a discharge current due to failure, corrosion, shrinkage & so on. It is NOT in balance, so it basically KILLS the battery...... Hopefully the light is flickering for you to SEE the correlation to our human side & why what is happening here is related. With that explained, let’s address just three physical elements that this is affecting & why, so you can attune to it. THROAT- holding back from speaking pure vibrational truth, communicating the divine. WHY? Maybe you are not fully expressing this in fear that others don’t want to face their reality? COLDS/FLU-Our body is designed to detoxify so when it is “flooded” our vibrational frequency gets washed away, we are detracted from the pathway we chose to walk. WHY? The Chi energy is letting go of negative beliefs, thoughts, emotions, washing them away. Release it a good thing. DEPRESSION-Accepting the powerful & profound spiritual bliss unfolding arising from within. WHY? The ego loves holding onto anything that will bring suffering. When we let go we invite in growth, acceptance & openness. I am not the expert on this, as I shared earlier, spirit wanted to enlighten me to my own current demise. If you liked what you read, please share this with others who may be going through this .... be open, not judgemental & most of all keep on moving forward.... and evolving into the vibrational changeling you are meant to be! Vibrational Blessings from Debbie A. Anderson & The Centre of A ![]() 2019 is here now and we are on day 9 of the 12 Vibrational Frequencies of Christmas. You can review the Twelve Frequencies of Christmas on my blog Day 9 – Nine vibrations of patience & serenity Patience is one virtue I continually work on for myself. So accept these nine vibrations and what they offer to you. I am encouraging you to say “What can I do to bring this frequency into being?” Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson ![]() Merry Christmas everyone. As I shared with you in my blog on December 20th for the next twelve days I am inviting you to bring in twelve vibrational frequencies of Christmas. Today is ground zero... an opportunity for you to change up your vibration. Day 1 - The vibrational frequency of new beginnings for our world Each day, as you embrace each new frequency, ask yourself this question... “What can I do to bring this frequency into being?” Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson ![]() For any of you who didn’t know this, the strange gifts given to his “true love” within the carol “Twelve Days of Christmas” actually have a hidden meaning behind them. As a child growing up, I pondered on the possibility of a lover giving his sweetheart bizarre gifts... where do you stash 10 lords a leaping...... and giggling at The Muppets version with Miss Piggy screeching out.. 5 GOLD rings badam-pam-pam. Here are the twelve traditional days of Christmas and the meaning for each day.
On Twelfth Night (usually) Christmas decorations were taken down... to leave them up after that date was deemed unlucky. Twelfth Night, marks the beginning of Epiphany on 6 January, the Christian feast day when observers celebrated the visit to Jesus by the Magi - known to us all as the Three kings, or Wise Men. Now I have explained the traditional 12 days of Christmas I want to invite you to embrace, starting December 25, Twelve new possibilities for you to consider. Each day I will post on my blog one of the Twelve Vibrational Frequencies of Christmas for you to attract a higher resonance in 2019. I challenge you to expand each vibrational day with words you feel create further connectedness with each one of the twelve vibrations I will share from December 25 to January 5, 2019. And.... when you are ready, answer this question to each of them... “What can I do to bring this frequency into being?” Maybe it is an inward change or an outward action... as always, the choice is yours... when you are ready. Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson ![]() As a natural born hugger, I find that when I am hugging, not only do I give, but I also receive, which is a perfect exchange of energy. Studies have proved that even a 10 second hug can improve your health, lower the risk of heart disease, fight infections, reduce stress, fight fatigue and so on. There is no season or reason for a hug, so why don’t you start today... Here are twelve vibrational reasons to give and receive hugs.. 1.Hugging is healthy. 2.It helps the body's immune system & diminish pain. 3.It helps reduce high blood pressure. 4.It heals depression & helps combat loneliness. 5.It reduces stress & increases self esteem. 6.It's rejuvenating. 7.It has no unpleasant side effects. 8.It is God's miracle drug! 9.It is all natural, it contains no chemicals, artificial ingredients, no pesticides, & no preservatives! 10.Hugging is practically perfect. 11.There are no parts to break down, no monthly payments, non-taxable, non-polluting, & of course... 12.It's fully returnable! And no excuses if you are alone!! You can still receive a hug. Take your left arm and wrap it around your right side and your right arm and wrap it around your left side and hug yourself. Call it a virtual vibrational hug from me. Lastly, remember, "A hug is the one present that's always worth giving!" Vibrational Blessings, Debbie A. Anderson ![]() Author & lecturer Leo Buscaglia (known as Dr. Love) told of a time he was asked to, through a contest, find the most caring child. What I love about these stories is the vibrational frequency that is emitted from a child’s heart. Below is the winner and some of the other heartwarming innocence that comes from children who see everything unconditionally. Sometimes we need to look through the eyes of a child to really SEE!!! A four-year-old child, whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman, who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old Gentleman's' yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there. When his mother asked him what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy just said, 'Nothing, I just helped him cry.' Teacher Debbie Moon's first graders were discussing a picture of a family. One little boy in the picture had a different hair color than the other members. One of her students suggested that he was adopted. A little girl said, 'I know all about Adoption, I was adopted..' 'What does it mean to be adopted?', asked another child. 'It means', said the girl, 'that you grew in your mommy's heart instead of her tummy!' On my way home one day, I stopped to watch a Little League base ball game that was being played in a park near my home. As I sat down behind the bench on the first-base line, I asked one of the boys what the score was 'We're behind 14 to nothing,' he answered with a smile. 'Really,' I said. 'I have to say you don't look very discouraged.' 'Discouraged?', the boy asked with a puzzled look on his face... 'Why should we be discouraged? We haven't been up to bat yet.' Whenever I'm disappointed with my spot in life, I stop and think about little Jamie Scott. Jamie was trying out for a part in the school play. His mother told me that he'd set his heart on being in it, though she feared he would not be chosen. On the day the parts were awarded, I went with her to collect him after school. Jamie rushed up to her, eyes shining with pride and excitement.. 'Guess what, Mom,' he shouted, and then said those words that will remain a lesson to me....'I've been chosen to clap and cheer.' Stories taken from the 3rd Serving of Chicken Soup for the Soul |
Debbie A. AndersonAs we awaken the vibration within, so the healing begins and we learn to love and live. Archives
September 2021