This is the message I received from spirit yesterday while in meditation. It resonates fully with me.... I am sharing because this snippet, these insights from spirit may also assist you at this time... I AM OPEN... to receive all that spirit sends to me, for me. My reason to be here was my open hearted choice. My purpose is to be here, NOW, for me, for others. There is no schedule, no timeline that anything needs to be achieved by. It is being open to receive....Being open in readiness. The Universal vibration of being in gratitude for everything I get to experience, all around me, both inside and outside. Being in the energy of gratefulness and in open joy to be THANKFUL to participate in the frequencies that I discover along the way. Energy is just energy, nothing more. There is no good, no bad... just ENERGY and how I AM OPEN to receive it...... Vibrational blessings, Debbie A. Anderson A few days ago, when sitting in meditation, I asked spirit, as I always do, for guidance for myself, and for those spiritual beings that connect with me. Basically, everyone and anyone who needs enlightenment. This is the channelled message that they shared. MAY THE 'FOURS' BE WITH YOU.......IT'S TIME TO CONNECT WITH THE GREAT BIG C..... It is time you and your world to awaken and understand the power of the force that is always with you...whatever name you give us, or those you pray to, honor..... this is about the significance of the collective and how in your oneness you can be the strength and power in everything you do.... Here are the FOUR elements of vibrational spirituality...... 1. CARE 2. COMMUNITY 3. CONNECT 4. CELEBRATE CARE - Self care at this moment is paramount. Don't get distracted by anything that does not serve your soul to it's greatest good. COMMUNITY - This is where you live, reside and everything connected to this planet Earth. The force that is surrounding your planet is bigger than you can comprehend. So be open to what you see, sense, hear, beyond your physical being. CONNECT - This is the time to identify what is happening within you... within your heart.... anytime you sense or feel disassociated with YOU... place your hands on your heart and mantra... I AM CONNECTED TO ALL BEINGS.... CELEBRATE - This is a time for YOU to celebrate life.... celebrate the Christ that resides and is part of you when you go within.... it is a time to celebrate life... love... joyfulness and being YOU in the vibrational creation that you were molded.... be happy.... be in the force of nature that we know you are destined to be.... Please remember, we celebrate you in every essence of your being, with no judgement, just unconditional love..... With love and thanks from us all at The Centre of A I truly love inspired days... and I mean those that spirit inspire me to sit down ... with a thought... open my laptop... and face that blank white screen ... and begin to type. Call it divinely inspired, automatic writing, heaven sent communication.. whatever you call it... that is what it is and embrace the blessings and thanks that you are open to receive. So, today, when I awoke and heard, amidst all the other scrambling and ramblings in our world at the moment.... What is Your Agenda? I immediately looked at my diary, the things I had to do... my commitments... basically what my day and the rest of this week was opening up for me.... Then I stopped, closed my eyes and listened.... because for me personally, that is where I get my best insights.... While sitting there in silence... listening... awaiting what divine messages would be shared with me... I heard again.... so... what is your agenda.... Today.... tomorrow..... next week? Hmmm... should I open my eyes... check my diary... am I missing something were all possible ramblings inside my head. Then came more silence.... yes, I love my team... shut her up with silence... it works every time. Yes, I know, they KNOW me. Questions, questions.... then they bring it on... the silence I mean. This is when I KNOW spirit want me to review and go further within... i.e. they have sprinkled the breadcrumbs on this particular pathway... now follow them... and see .... feel.... be in silence to hear what transpires. My life... just like yours can and WILL change, based on our belief system. It will evolve and transpire based on what we invite into us.... right now .... in any given moment. As you are reading this blog, you too will be creating thoughts... concepts. Maybe even think what a load of tosh (a British slang term, which I invite you to look up). When we are open... ready.... and I mean READY to receive, infinite possibilities will come forth. Fill our head, fill our whole being with potential “anythings”. Whether it is a new way to do this... a different concept on that..... a for or against... a change in a paradigm... yes the cogs and wheels within us start to move... begin to open up so much... maybe for right now... or later on down the line of life. Every day, when we awake, we are given 24 hours to BE.... to open our eyes... to open our heart... and create our OWN agenda. Whether to participate or not? This is your right too. Truly it is. My agenda is to ever evolve, to empower myself in whatever way I need, want and desire. Empower others by the way I respond or react. One definition of Empowerment in the dictionary reads “The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights”. And of course “Agenda is defined as a list or outline of things to be considered or done.” What if I, were to share that you have the authority, that you have the power to create your own agenda... and YES the God given ability to follow through. Would you do it for yourself? I cannot answer that, I cannot tell you what your agenda should or shouldn’t be. But instead I can share that my agenda, for myself, for those who read my words, that I will continue to raise the vibration and share the positive with heart centred love. If you have not heard or read the poem “Start Where You Stand” by By Berton Braley (1882-1966) I invite you to take a moment to read his words in a hope they may open up something within you to create your own agenda in consideration. Start where you stand and never mind the past, The past won't help you in beginning new, If you have left it all behind at last, Why, that's enough, you're done with it, you're through. This is another chapter in the book, This is another race that you have planned, Don't give the vanished days a backward look, Start where you stand. The world won't care about your old defeats If you can start anew and win success, The future is your time, and time is fleet And there is much of work and strain and stress. Forget the buried woes and dead despairs, Here is a brand new trial right at hand, The future is for him who does and dares, Start where you stand. Old failures will not halt, old triumphs aid, Today's the thing, tomorrow soon will be; Get in the fight and face it unafraid, And leave the past to ancient history. What has been, has been; yesterday is dead And by it you are neither blessed nor banned, Take courage, man, be brave and drive ahead, Start where you stand. I hope you are encouraged to acknowledge within your soul that EVERYTHING in life STARTS where you stand........
Knowing that... What is your agenda? Vibrational Blessings, Debbie I am so blessed to live where I live.... and today, in an effort to connect and get some insights to what this week’s reading should be focused upon I went for a walk along the marina. Today there were no turtles or water snakes, but while I sat and listened to the waves lapping peacefully on the shoreline watching the boats in the harbour, I gave thanks. I gave thanks to be able to sit there and enjoy the sunshine. For being able to hear the laughter of children & families embracing another beautiful Sunday. I gave thanks and realized how lucky I am. Continuing my walk I wondered in awe what blessings, other than these would I encounter, because spirit, when in the Now intention, always send us a message, or messages because we are open to receive. Today I spiritually connected, “spidey” antenna up and ready to receive, as I purposefully opened my heart to whatever my guides, angels and helpers would share with me. It wasn’t long before I saw in the grass, my first blessing. A small white feather, the wind moving it slowly back and forth in momentum in the grass , so I would not walk by and miss it. I picked it up, stroked it back into place because in its effort to be seen, the barbs and veins had spread open making it seem to the naked eye like it was damaged. I popped it into my purse after thanking the Universe for sending me such a beautiful gift. Damaged or not it was coming home with me to join all the other little feathers I had collected over time. Nothing is EVER damaged enough that it cannot heal. We can all mend, with love, kindness and understanding. My second blessing was to look up into the clear blue skies to see a Cooper Hawk being chased by a small bird. The small bird didn’t give up, it continued to ward away the large bird away until the hawk eventually gave up and flew away. I felt this was spirit reminding me, us that even if someone or something seems bigger and more powerful to never underestimate the power of being small. Even when we may feel small and insignificant when dealing with some situations in life, it is totally immaterial. You are NEVER too small to make a BIG difference in life. You only have to reflect on people who have stood up and spoken out and the changes that they brought about. My third, was a large feather, I think it was from a seagull, so I took the time to look up the spiritual significance related to the seagull and basically it is looking at things differently. Taking a moment to step back from everything possibly changing my attitude towards something and find creative new ways order for it to succeed tapping into the resources that reside within. And my forth, but I don’t feel it is my final gift today, was a black ribbon, where or how it got caught under my hat, I have no idea, but it was dangling down my face. Initially I thought my headband had come unravelled, or my hat was falling to pieces. No and No. Did it drop from the sky, the heavens? Possibly . Black I have reminded people is the inclusion of all color, it’s of remembrance, respect and awareness. Time to take a serious look at things..... knowing... eternity. My FOUR gifts today symbolize for me that my angels and helpers are there around me all the time, they protect me, give me strength and guidance and most of all faith to continue believing that I am always exactly where I should be at any given time. I am thankful that I was given all these gifts, the black ribbon now holds together the four large feathers that were gifted to me over the past few weeks during my walks. As Wayne Dyer shared “When we are open enough to receive, the gifts will come flowing towards us.” Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson As I sat, looking outside my window... embracing the beautiful sunshine... I watched, absorbing the silence... the quietness... and I wondered... What if...... Then I recalled as a child... saying “what if.... and my grandmother quickly responding.... If ....Ifs and Ands Were Pots And Pans, There'd Be No Work For Tinkers' Hands... And of course as a small child I had no idea what she was talking about.... just another saying... of the many she would use when she either didn’t want to address something.... or maybe couldn’t.... because she didn’t know.... As I remembered, recalled that reality I contemplated, the notion that perhaps what we are experiencing at the moment... maybe there are no answers.... no solutions... just variations of what each of us.... consciously or obliviously feel... or are listening to ...... or find while researching.... or just sit in wonderment... and of course what we are sharing.... just as I am in this moment...... What if ....we are all right and we are all wrong.... What if .....the information we are being given is only part of the reality.... What if ....... the human race is really only in one virtual combined dream... What if... the leaders of the worlds are right.... or perhaps wrong.... What if... your fear is fueling you and others around you... What if... I have my head buried in the sand... in a fantasy that all will be well... What if.... this is about being silent.... loud... shouting... screaming... releasing... What if.... I am enjoying this isolation... or feeling trapped What if .... the news ... fake OR real is all part of an experiment to see how we react... respond... What if... this is about being kind to others... being a community... locally and globally... This is NOT about..... Male vs female Gay vs heterosexual Black vs white Old vs young Rich vs poor Sick vs healthy Pro vs con Hate vs love Religion vs spirituality Resident vs immigrant I know many of you digesting my reflection at this time have your own What if... if so, I invite you to share... and for EVERYONE reading this, if you intimidate someone because of their what if.... shame on you... and yes, I will delete your comment... this is about being open... sharing. None of us are wrong... none of us are right... maybe your what if is different.... and that is okay.... this is about allowing each of us to share... our own what if.... without judgement ... without fear of retribution... I love Rumi quotes... even at this time when there is so much uncertainty.... so many questions... yet few or confusing answers... each of us in our own reality... whether connected ... plugged in... intravenously to the media 24/7 processing... or ignoring everything and everyone..... Rumi said... We carry within us... the wonders we seek outside us.... And maybe there, in those words, lie the answers to all our “what ifs”... and maybe they don’t. Thank you for taking the time to read this, letting me share, as one human, being having a spiritual epiphany, to another. Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson Today I want to share a story about a character that sometimes takes up space in my head.... Yeahbutt... Yeahbutt has no sex, is completely ageless but can and will get into our head... Yeahbutt may have been programmed in during early childhood or later in life... It has no creed, color or race... it just picks and chooses what will work in its best possible interest. It has many faces, appearing anywhere and everywhere using a different facade to suit its need. It usually, but not always, appears to be pessimistic rather than optimistic. Occasionally it blindsides you with a false sense of security. The most important thing to remember is everyone has a Yeahbutt... EVERYONE experiences this from time to time... so don’t pretend that Yeahbutt is not within you... it’s a human thing, so get over yourself. Yeahbutt has a goal... a focus if you like... to create ambiguity ... scepticism... mistrust... which is not a bad thing if we implement reason... understand the motive.... create reasonable doubt if you like.... The complexity with Yeahbutt is they can and will completely take over your focus... it is the conversation where it answers anything we may ask in the manner that befits them most. Yeahbutt can ... and will place us into the zone of unlikelihood... indicating the doubtfulness that it invites is the truth. Letting mistrust and disbelief fill our head with more reservations and reason not to... than the “just do it” anyway conclusion. Here are some of the more popular phrases Yeahbutt uses... starting with its own name thus empowering the words even more Yeahbutt I can’t do this because.... I am not good enough... What’s the point... This is a waste of my energy.... And of course I am sure, because Yeahbutt has at least once visited you in your lifetime... you have your own phrases to add to this never ending inventory. So... are you ready to let Yeahbutt go? Release this alter ego within you? Are you ready to stop wrestling with the time consuming unconstructive outcomes and objectives it offers you? What if I were to tell you that right now you can give Yeahbutt their marching orders? Would you do it? Let’s step back a moment, because you need to be in full awareness, this is the buyer beware declaration. If you think, feel or expect this to be an easy transition... a “given” as so many expect... don’t even bother reading any further.... because Yeahbutt is STILL very much in your psyche.. sorry... I don’t mean to be unkind or heartless. That is the fact you are currently struggling with and will continue to deal with until you are ready to liberate yourself. To achieve this you REALLY have to want it, to offer yourself the commitment.... the promise.... be dedicated to the alternative reality. What is the name of Yeahbutt’s nemesis? Mine is called Yessacan... Yessacan is there standing on the side lines rooting for me... it comes to me when I doubt myself.... it reassures me that whatever I want is possible when I believe in myself.... There is no hesitation .... no misgivings.... just a blanket of hope that wraps itself around my shoulders... reminding me that occasionally there are dark moments that will want to fill that void.... Yessacan is like a burst of brightness that gets infused within me...the doubts dissipate ... as if by magic.... and the aspirations Yessacan creates, intensifies. It manifests glowing within my reality . Yessacan opens up every single day... like a ray of sunshine that touches a darkened room....bringing about clarity. Both these characters are a part of me... as they are a part of you. Each of us, within our sacred soul, have a choice.... and that is to decide which one to cultivate... nurture and grow within our vibrational frequency. Choosing Yessacan takes work.... and Yeahbutt will keep popping in from time to time.... to throw you off your end game.... that’s its job, its focus... it’s the other side of the coin. In time, you will create your own way to deal with Yeahbutt, it’s a given. Initially when it rises up within you, acknowledge it with a “thanks for sharing” reply. This inner response, let’s it have it’s say but without giving it any power. Throw it at me Yeahbutt, and I choose not to catch it. So, it will intensify, and throw something more.... until whatever is thrown at me.... and that day does come.... when I no longer heard them. Instead that once empty space......that abyss of doubt was replaced and replenished with positive validations, confirming and validating, even if from time to time, I still wasn’t sure. It encourages me with optimistic words, ideals. It is the complete reverse to Yeahbutt. Sacred mantras that I had almost forgotten become second nature. Now, I can even be in the presence of the mind chattering monkeys. Even when they are still trying to convince me to revert back to the place that they still reside in with Yeahbutt verbal communication like Yeahbutt... it is easier for you Yeahbutt ... you are different Yeahbutt... Yeahbutt.... and more Yeahbutt incantations... If you are ready to listen... to step into this newness.... then do it...If you are not, that is okay... I cannot walk this journey for you. I can, because I choose, offer up alternative options.... substitutions if you like... but as I shared earlier, this will be your work in progress... and only YOU can do it... Here are Three Yessacan Mandates 1.Switch Off Media This is the easiest of them all. Going down the rabbit hole is exactly where they want you to be. It is their goal to offer little or no good news. Cut the pessimistic umbilical cord and feel the uplifting shift that occurs instantly. 2.Bye Bye Negative Nellies/Nigels They can & will come close to you. They disguise themselves as friends, family, colleagues, neighbours & their aim is to share in a downbeat way. Don’t interact, smile and walk away, especially in the early stages of your transition. 3.Fill The Void What makes you happy? What lifts you up? It is different for everyone so infuse and soak up whatever works best for you. Positive mantras, music, words, remember not one size fits all. Acknowledge what makes you feel about yourself. Fill that abyss with anything that helps raise your vibrational frequency. Most of all, when you are ready, wear your Yessacan badge of honor with respect and humility. Vibrational Blessings, Debbie A. Anderson Last night spirit shared the song... Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Upon waking I decided to sit, meditate & do a little research for myself, because although, like many of you, I know this to be a American Negro spiritual song representing the path to freedom I wondered, why share it now... with everything that is happening in our world... What I have been receiving lately from spirit are symbolic codes. Some which I have been able to decipher.. others still a work in progress. The CHARIOT in this song offered transportation for the soul to heaven... God having thousands of chariots meaning a sign of his power. In the Bible it is of things good ... and TRUTH... In Tarot this card denotes determination, motion, BALANCE, it is of the element water which is connected to our emotions. I relate to the image in this card , being Archangel Raphael, the healer, holding his staff. His name alone indicates “ God Heals.” The words “A BAND OF ANGELS..” to me defines strength, standing strong, being unbreakable because of FAITH... belief...... Being optimistic ... not giving in.... because when we all “band” together... we create hope... optimism... in the final part of the song... it determines spiritual freedom... liberation.... spiritually. “CARRY ME HOME” to me, spirit, heaven is home... it symbolizes the place where I/we belong... it is a place of pure unconditional LOVE... At the moment we may feel like we are being oppressed, held in place, for whatever reason... that is not the discussion... My conclusion... from my time meditating was that FREEDOM IS COMING... I saw myself in a chariot, up in the heavens, the sky was full of sunshine... and below me I could hear laughter from healthy, loving souls.... The link below is of the Fisk Jubilee Singers cirac 1909, may it bring you hope because all is NOT lost, we just haven't found the solution yet... but it is a coming... Vibrational Blessings, Debbie A. Anderson Thank you to everyone who joined myself & Ida Keightley on April 4, 2020 at 10.45pm EST for the global Ceremony of Awakening where one million meditators around the globe came together at the same time to raise the vibration & heal our world, our people, our planet... This is the message that was shared by that I shared with everyone on the Facebook live feed. Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson We gather in a time of unprecedented circumstances. In isolation, quarantine and displacement. As the global economy freefalls and the flood of fear and confusion sweeps the planet, we come together, in peace, in love and trust. We come together in the name of Truth, Connection, and Humility. Seeking Guidance and insights from the highest authority there is. The Divine light of that power some call God, Great Spirit, Divine Infinite Consciousness from where all of creation is born, and all gratitude belongs. Across all cultures and all creeds, we come together with one voice, one prayer, to a place of stillness in the collective consciousness of humanity. We sit as representatives of our tribes, our communities, our people and all the beings we share our planetary home with. For the great forests, the small ones that creep and crawl, the great ones of the oceans, all that slithers and swims, and flys on wings, we are here to serve all beings. In humility and trust, we serve the ultimate power of love and truth, the light of Great Spirit. What is our role in these coming days, how can we best be of service to the divine plan for our world? We ask now for forgiveness of ourselves and all beings that have lost their way and forgotten their place. We ask now for the dissolution of all institutions of fear and deceit. We ask for the dissolution of all manipulations and resistance to the divine plan. We ask for the light of Great Spirit to shine down upon the dark shadow that has spread across our world, to shine divine light into to all regions, into all homes, and all sacred places. We ask for healing and liberation to all those who are suffering. We ask for ease and grace as we transition into humanities divine plan and purpose in a new age of Divine Light. We ask for strength and guidance, we ask for vision and dreams, we ask for the healing and forgiveness of all the fallen ones that exist in fear and ignorance, that they too may come to the light of Great Spirits love. We call to the light of Great Spirit in all hearts to shine now. We call to the light of Great Spirit to awaken the sleepers to their divine purpose. We call the light of Great Spirit to shine bright through Mother Gaias heart, to fill the crystals and the mountains, the springs and the streams, the oceans and the rains, through the forests and valleys, through every flower, and every plant. We ask that this vigil of light and love grow and spread as a healing and awakening force. We ask for the support and guidance from all the forces of light to join us in this effort. We connect, we share and set for our sacred intention. We ask in humility and trust for forgiveness from all debts, contracts and bonds. We ask in humility and trust for peace between all beings. We ask in humility and trust for a healthy sustainable world to thrive in. We ask in humility and trust for abundance and freedom for all beings. We ask in humility and trust for the dreams of all light beings to flourish now. We ask in humility and trust for co-operation and harmony between all tribes and nations. We ask in humility and trust for truth and transparency between all people. We ask in humility and trust for the creative power of love to shine now. We ask in humility and trust for the Rule of Divine Lore to guide us. We ask in humility and trust for the guidance of Great Spirits eternal wisdom. We ask in Humility and trust for the light of Great Spirit to shine bright in our hearts. We ask in humility and trust for the forgiveness and liberation of all beings into the eternal splendor of the limitless light of Great Spirit. In perfect love and trust. Let the light shine! Remember the power of your heart, channels of light, bringers of love. United as a force of divine consciousness, let your voice be heard, ask and you shall receive. Open your hearts and open your minds, the possibilities are infinite. Now is the time to reclaim your birth right, to reclaim your power and your purpose. Stand strong in the face of ignorance, have courage to face the fear. There is a plan, a divine plan and we are all a part of it. You are needed now. Find time and commit to a daily practice and vigil to uphold this intention. Spread the word, shine your light. The time is now. What I am sharing with you is from Bruce Lipton.. his words... read, digest ... or not... we have choices at this time more than EVER before. “What do you fear?” In the current pandemic, are you concerned about a loss of income during the quarantine, or an inability to pay for needed healthcare at a medical center, or perhaps, for most, the ultimate fear is the vision of dying from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). My intention is to CALM the fears generated by the media continuously repeating that the “sky is falling.” So … here is my March Update on COVID-19. Firstly, “What is a virus?” A virus is neither a living or metabolizing organism, they are simply membrane-bound protein capsules containing genetic programs. As described in The Biology of Belief, a cell is the equivalent of a programmable computer chip, with the cell nucleus representing a hard drive containing gene programs. A virus is the equivalent of a computer flash drive (memory stick) downloaded with gene programs. When receptors on the viral membrane complement receptors on a target cell, the virus plugs into the cell and downloads its memory, the programs that hijack control of the infected cell. I have divided this update into 4 individual topics, followed by an assessment of the data and a list of Bruce’s “suggested” Best Practices. The topics are: A) The Coronavirus, B) Coronavirus Mortality, C) Hospital-Medical Relief, and D) Financial/Medical consequences during work layoffs. A) The Coronavirus The coronavirus historically causes a flu. The symptoms of a flu can range anywhere between generating an uncomfortable feeling to causing death. Flues come around every year in the cold season because the variety of respiratory viruses replicate faster in temperatures lower than body temperature (98.6oF or 37oC). Viruses thrive in the respiratory track in winter due to the breathing-in of colder air. Flu season is annual and generally the differences among the viruses each new season represent mutations (variations) of previous flu viruses. Human immune systems have dealt with variations of common flu viruses over centuries. The cross-reactivity of antigen sites (the parts of the virus that induces an immune response) on older and newer versions of the flu have pre-primed the human immune systems to suppress the aggressiveness of newer flu mutations. And this is why the COVID-19 is problematic: This novel version of coronavirus-19 has antigenic characters that have not been previously experienced by human immune systems. Consequently, without any previous infections, almost all humans are susceptible to experience COVID-19. The biological novelty of this virus makes it quite infectious, and for some, a serious illness. The powers-to-be have seen fit to distance the novel COVID-19 as something other than a flu. The fact is, by definition, COVID-19 is a respiratory flu virus and as mentioned earlier, flues express a range of symptoms from unpleasantness to death. The mortality rate of conventional flues range between 0.1% to 1% of the infected patients across the globe. The range of deaths is predicated on the nature of the flu virus and the health conditions of the public in each country. Recent years have seen some very virulent flues: MERS (mortality 3.5%), H1N1 (500,000 dead in 2009), SARS (mortality 10%). B) Coronavirus Mortality Annual flues in the United States are responsible for about 0.1% of flu-infected patients dying. The novelty of the current coronavirus-19, recently introduced to the human population, has so far, as of March 20th according to the CDC website: led to the deaths of 201 of the recently reported 15,219 COVID-19 cases in the U.S., a mortality rate of 1.4%. Globally, the coronavirus 2019 percent mortality has ranged from about 4% to less than 1%. The COVID-19 mortality data is biased and massively stress-producing! The percent of victims dying from the COVID-19 flu is based upon the total number of patients dying divided by the total number of cases that have been tested by a doctor or a medical center. The problem with the math is that symptoms of tens of thousands of COVID-19 patients either did not warrant going to a doctor, or were unreported because they could not afford to go the doctor. The significance is until ALL the COVID-19 patients were counted and divided into the number of deaths, my belief is that the “death rate” would actually be less than 1%. As reported in my previous coronavirus assessment, and now supported by data from China, the majority of COVID-19 deaths have occurred among adults aged ≥60 years and among persons with serious underlying health conditions. The data is simple, COVID-19 deaths are primarily associated with the elderly and infirmed. If you are not part of that population, the vast majority of COVID-19 infected people will most likely not have serious symptoms. If you are a part of that population, there are ways to support your immune systems, see below. Most importantly, even those few that do end up with serious respiratory distress can be safely managed by medical teams. C) Hospital-Medical Relief I believe this is one of the main problems attributed to coronavirus disease 2019. As described above, the immunological novelty of this coronavirus means that almost all of the population is susceptible to this infection. The rate of disease spread is greater than any other flu, perhaps since the devastating flu epidemic that killed about 50 million people around the globe in 1918. The current problem with the medical system is 2-fold: A) Annual flues send a very much smaller population to seek medical attention. As a consequence, doctors and clinics can handle the low flow rate of patients and necessary supplies. But the infectious rate and, for many, the severity of COVID-19 symptoms, have sent droves of people to seek medical attention at the same time. The overwhelm experienced by medical staff and shortages of supplies is profoundly interfering with patients getting readily available relief for their symptoms. B) The government is significantly responsible for the failure of our medical system to manage infected patients. Between dismissing the country’s governmental committee dealing with epidemics and reducing the budgets of the NIH and other health-related agencies, the medical community has been undermined and left profoundly short-handed by the current administration. To deal with this major COVID-19 threat, it is vitally important to reduce the load on the healthcare system. This is the intention implied in “flatten the curve,” which simply means reduce the rate of infections through practices such as those suggested below. D) Financial/Medical Consequences of Quarantine At the current time the public is experiencing a rising cost of living while collecting stagnant wages. The consequence of the current work layoffs is economically staggering for those not receiving a paycheck. Simply, issues associated with threats to survival represent one of the most influential sources of stress. The economic stress combined that with the fact that a large portion of the population cannot afford healthcare is enough stress to inhibit the immune system and significantly exacerbate the spreading disease. As described in the Biology of Belief, stress hormones shut down the immune system when the body is in an adrenal-driven state of fight or flight. Stress hormones are so effective at inhibiting the immune system, surgeons therapeutically provide patients awaiting organ transplants with stress hormones so that their immune systems will not immediately reject the foreign tissue. It is a scientific fact that positive and negative thinking have a profound effect on the function of the immune system. One of the leading fronts in immunologic research is the field of Psychoneuroimmunology. Broken down into its root words: immunology is the body’s system that protects against internal infections. Neuro-immunology is the study of how the brain controls the immune system. Psycho-neuroimmunology is the science of how consciousness shapes the brain’s control of the immune system. Psychoneuroimmunology research clearly reveals that consciousness controls the function of the immune system. Positive consciousness is responsible for the Placebo Effect, wherein the mind can heal almost any disease, while stress and negative thinking create the Nocebo Effect, which can cause almost any disease. The fear of COVID-19 coupled with the resulting threats to survival profoundly inhibits the population’s immune system and further exacerbates the epidemic. CONCLUSION: Many people who fall ill with the new COVID-19 disease will most likely experience mild, flu-like symptoms, fever, coughing and a sore throat, with over 80% of infected people having a mild to moderate illness that lasts about two weeks. The remaining 20% will have more severe symptoms that may need medical attention, but these symptoms can be relieved with proper treatment. The media’s emphasis on the COVID-19 death statistics is a mathematical bias whose stressful forecast is itself responsible for weakening the public’s immune systems and aggravating the spread of disease. The biggest problem facing the public in this epidemic is not the rate of mortality, it is the overwhelming stress on doctors, nurses and the medical system which is not prepared to deal with a massive epidemic. Is the COVID-19 epidemic to go on and on? The answer is clearly NO! As is evidenced by the almost complete cessation of new COVID-19 cases in China and South Korea, the epidemic will come to an end. Bruce’s Suggested Best Practices: To stay healthy there a few practices that will empower your immune system and lessen any COVID-19 symptoms. 1) Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Eat nutritious natural, organic food; take vitamins and supplements, especially large doses of Vitamin C; wash more frequently than normal, back away from the computer and move about (something I have to learn to do as well!). 2) Recognize that the vast majority of healthy people, below 65 years of age, are likely to have only mild COVID-19 symptoms. Those whose health is already compromised, and those who are elderly and receiving care are the most susceptible to severe illness. These individuals should take ALL proscribed cautions offered by the CDC. 3) Make every effort to de-stress! Sports, play, Nature walks, meditation exercises, be in Love, read a book, watch a movie. Basically, RELAX, for this will significantly enhance the function of your immune system and reduce the severity of any COVID-19 symptom. 4) You can help in “flattening the curve” to prevent overwhelming the medical system by taking care of yourself and supporting those in need in your community. Following the present governmental guidelines to stay home and physically distance from others will also help to not overwhelm the medical system. These are health-enhancing practices that will empower your immune system while helping others overcome their fears and infection. As with my previous message on the COVID-19 epidemic, there will be those that will thank me for these calming insights and there will be others who will chastise me for not taking this epidemic more seriously. For the latter group, I do take your perspective very seriously. If you consciously feel that I have underestimated the severity of coronavirus 2019, I want to honor your concern and suggest that, by ALL MEANS, engage in every protection practice suggested by the CDC and any other sources whose advice you ascribe to. Through the nocebo effect alone, fearful thoughts will inhibit the immune system and open you to infection. However, a calm state of mind and healthy lifestyle are the best prescription in weathering this seasonal storm! With Love and Light, Bruce H. Lipton PhD. Author of The Biology Of Belief I share quite a bit about the Law of The Garbage Truck*, so if you haven’t heard it before here goes: Next time a car pulls out in front of you, or cuts you off, before you respond think about the 'The Law of the Garbage Truck.' Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on you. Don't take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don't take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets. The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day. Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so ... Love the people who treat you right. And let go of the ones who don't. Life is Ten Percent what you MAKE IT and Ninety Percent how you TAKE IT.. So try and make every day, A Garbage-Free Day! My New Year Resolution to anyone would be don’t sweat the small stuff, don't carry your garbage around and smile more! After all, smiling not only makes us feel better, but also when we exchange a smile with others can assist them in changing their mood-basically it is contagious in a great way! Smiling as we all know is good for our health, by increasing our immune system and reducing our stress levels. Especially after Christmas we need to prevent ourselves from getting worried about everything i.e. bills and how much we have eaten. The biggest and best thing about smiling is it costs us ONLY the time it takes to create it. So grab a DVD of a comedy, read a funny book, or spend time with small children. If all else fails take yourself to a mirror and smile at yourself. You can’t help but laugh!! Vibrational Blessings, Debbie A. Anderson * The Law of the Garbage Truck: How to Stop People from Dumping on You by David J. Pollay |
Debbie A. AndersonAs we awaken the vibration within, so the healing begins and we learn to love and live. Archives
September 2021