![]() For me one of the many things I value is my friendships with others, and of course very much theirs with me. As a friend I try to turn up, be present, in my intention at any moment when they feel they need me. Sometimes, due to other things happening in my life I am not always able to be there, right in that moment for them. But in some way I do reach out and show them the love I have in them and the belief that life will sort itself out... and so on. The big thing for me is if I have said I will be there to help them in some way, call them or whatever I have agreed to do...regardless of whatever comes up in my life, I WILL follow through, come hell or high water. As someone once said to me... “....unless you have a death certificate there are NO excuses.” The reason I am sharing, is that in our world at present, we talk about, mostly via social media, having lots of friends and count them as being there when we need them, or vice versa. But sadly, it isn’t necessarily the case. Someone once said to me, “In your line of work you must have lots and lots of friends?” To which I replied, “....no actually I have one or two... maybe even three people who have been there in my life, to whom I, with blessings call friends”. They seemed surprised and I feel a little disappointed. But for me, friends are a very special connection. And friendship takes work, time, commitment. It cannot be one sided in any way. As you sow, so shall you reap! Yes, I have many acquaintances, and for that I feel doubly, if not triply blessed. I am truly not sharing this with you for you to feel sorry for me, but instead inviting you to reflect upon those in your world who have been there for you, through thick & thin, laughter & tears and STILL love you as much as you love them. These are what true friends look like, in every shape and form, so value and be thankful for them. Which is my segue to change the conversation to Dragonflies and what they mean to me and how this all ties together. On my tour to the Maritimes this Fall, I was blessed to have an event at Dragonflys & Dreams in Sydney, Cape Breton, on completion, the owner Sharon, blessed me with a beautiful dragonfly crystal hanging one for my window at home. And it now has pride of place next to other crystals & a stained glass piece in my office area. The Dragonfly symbolizes change, transformation, adaptability, and self-realization. Which at this moment in our world, we are facing both personally & worldly EVERY single day. So keep that in mind folks. As a totem it is about wisdom, and when it turns up in our life it is a reminder to bring about more lightness & joy allowing our true colors to shine through. To be our vibrational self on all levels and standing tall and powerful in that energy. They appear in our life, when it is time to bring about change, this is when spirit are engaging us to see our full potential. To live and experience life for our self in acceptance that metamorphosis is about to occur. And with that I say “Bring it on, I am ready!” Spirit offers up to us this self realization every day, in some form or another. Whether it is something we see, hear or discover. Maybe someone gives us something or guides us to somewhere. And in that moment, when we reach our own “Aha” realization, we are reminded that spirit are there for us, in our corner, so to speak, helping us every step of the way. I truly pray your day, your week, and your life is filled with friendship, dragonflies & self realization and in every moment your vibrational essence turns up and is there in intention. Vibrational Blessings, Debbie A. Anderson ![]() I am not sure if it is the time of year, or just something within me that feels very protective of myself and others at this time. I call it my mama bear mode... a time when maybe I have to roar loudly to keep away danger and to bring close, those that I love and care for. So, in an effort to understand this instinctual, and protective side that is rising up within me, I did what I usually do, when faced with something that is outside of my humanness. I meditate. The first thing I was faced with in this time of reflection was the symbolism of the bear. The supreme fearlessness, filling me with strength & raw, yet focused power. I saw that within me was the role of guardian, in a grounded and real way, standing in my power, creating a spiritual circle around those who I love and care for, protecting and bringing about awareness. I heard these vibrational words that I will share with you all now. You are never alone... Sometimes we need to step into our own solitude, trust & be who we are. You are grounded, manifesting your intuitive gifts providing a positive outcome. Harness this powerful energy & connect emotionally to the Universe on all levels. YOUR roar can heal, protect & balance all around you. Stand strong! Be you & draw close those you love & trust. For all of you out there... whatever your gender, whatever your belief, whatever your journey, know that these words are for us all. Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson ![]() Charles Plumb was a US Navy jet pilot in Vietnam. After 75 combat missions, his plane was destroyed by a surface-to-air missile. Plumb ejected and parachuted into enemy hands. He was captured and spent 6 years in a communist Vietnamese prison. He survived the ordeal and now lectures on lessons learned from that experience. One day, when Plumb and his wife were sitting in a restaurant, a man at another table came up and said, ' You're Plumb! You flew jet fighters in Vietnam from the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk. You were shot down! 'How in the world did you know that?' asked Plumb. 'I packed your parachute,' the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man pumped his hand and said, 'I guess it worked!' Plumb assured him, 'It sure did. If your chute hadn't worked, I wouldn't be here today.' Plumb couldn't sleep that night, thinking about that man. Plumb says, 'I kept wondering what he had looked like in a Navy uniform: a white hat; a bib in the back; and bell-bottom trousers. I wonder how many times I might have seen him and not even said 'Good morning, how are you?' or anything because, you see, I was a fighter pilot and he was just a sailor.' Plumb thought of the many hours the sailor had spent at a long wooden table in the bowels of the ship, carefully weaving the shrouds and folding the silks of each chute, holding in his hands each time the fate of someone he didn't know. Now, Plumb asks his audience, 'Who's packing your parachute?' Everyone has someone who provides what they need to make it through the day. He also points out that he needed many kinds of parachutes when his plane was shot down over enemy territory - he needed his physical parachute, his mental parachute, his emotional parachute, and his spiritual parachute. He called on all these supports before reaching safety. Sometimes in the daily challenges that life gives us, we miss what is really important. We may fail to say hello, please, or thank you, congratulate someone on something wonderful that has happened to them, give a compliment, or just do something nice for no reason. As you go through this week, this month, this year, recognize people who pack your parachutes. Author unknown I am posting this as my way of thanking you for your part in packing my parachute & for packing them for others in your life. Today, like every day we have 24 hours in which to make a diffence & embrace all the vibrational parachutes we have had packed for us over the years... Vibrational Blessings, Debbie A. Anderson ![]() I truly believe that we are drawn in a particular direction for a reason.. be it spiritual, love or life... maybe it is about revisiting and forgiving... maybe it is about embracing and learning... whatever it is, when we are in that intention, with complete synchronicity, we learn something. When we receive messages from the Universe they are timely, and although sometimes meant directly for us, every now and again they are for us to share with others. I have been seeing 444 in whatever form that spirit brings it towards me to see and today I want to share this with you. Not for any other reason than I feel guided to do so. At this moment, our world to some may feel like it is in chaos regarding belief and spirituality... possibly linked to past lives and the inaugural power struggles within mankind. I wonder if that state of flux is a reminder to me why I am eclectic in my work... standing alone is not necessarily lonely. My road, my decision, and thankfully we are all different... it is when we seek inside, listen, and respond to where we are guided that matters most. We are all here to receive the vibrational blessings on the road to what some refer to as the “awakening”, so the more we connect, calibrate to that frequency in awareness, the easier it does become. This is more about you discovering you, in the I AM essence, so step into that consciousness and let it assist you in whatever way you need. Each of us has a life journey, and of course the human element that is mixed into it, is our free will, so don’t ever feel you are not exactly where you should be at any given time. Because if you do, sadly you miss out on the “present”... the gift we receive every day. As someone once shared with me, every day we awake and it is a clean slate, we choose what we do with that day, in any given moment. If you are unsure, then ask your guardian angel to assist you. They are there whenever you need them, just speak up, spend time with them, just like you would an old friend. It is about trust, faith and of course patience. When we are in harmony, synchronized in our soul essence we don’t have to question is this the right path, am I exactly where I should be, because we have trusted that we will receive the signs, the notification if you like, from spirit. Whether this is listening to my intuition... my gut.... my heart. Unconditionally resonating with what happens... good, bad, happy, sad and ... everything in between. So, when I see 444 in whatever form it appears, it is memo from my guides, helpers, angels... God. Saying, you are amazing, you are on track, you are exactly where you should be right now, and when there, you are in full intention to absorb, observe and in that moment. Spirit communicate with us, so take some time to reflect on what messages you have been sent today, yesterday and be open and ready tomorrow. Vibrational Blessings, Debbie A. Anderson ![]() Sadly after a lot of research online I was unable to find out who put these beautiful thoughts together, some attributed it to Andy Rooney, but his publicist said these are not his words. Whomever collated them we thank you, because they are perfectly vibrational. I've learned.... That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person. I've learned.... That when you're in love, it shows. I've learned .... That just one person saying to me, 'You've made my day!' makes my day. I've learned.... That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world. I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being right. I've learned.... That you should never say no to a gift from a child. I've learned.... That I can always pray for someone when I don't have the strength to help them in any other way. I've learned.... That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with. I've learned.... That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand. I've learned....That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes. I've learned....That it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular. I've learned... That under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved. I've learned...That to ignore the facts does not change the facts. I've learned....That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you. I've learned.... That love, not time, heals all wounds. I've learned.... That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am. This is my contribution.... I invite you to share your what “I’ve Learned” in the comments below. I’ve learned .... That life is about living in unconditional vibrational Love. Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson ![]() Hands up all you healers, spirit & light workers out there that in the past week or so had a strange onset of a cold, cough, depression etc. Something out of the blue, not the norm! Be honest, please. But read this first so you are in full understanding. Last week I attended a spiritual drumming group. I set my intention BE OPEN –PRESENT!! There were 4 drumming chants to honor the 4 directions encompassing emotional healing, the divine feminine, love & strength. It was vibrational. A day or so later out of the blue came this weird dry cough manifesting within I thought, great.. a shift.. bring it on! Now I don’t get sick, but IF I do get a snap of something I use the mantra ALREADY HEALED, so that I accept that I am not sick, but shifting something within in my divine vibrational essence. It was ONLY after I recorded my weekly reading Vibrational Changeling that I had this epiphany from spirit who kindly awoke me to at 2.22am to share. Gotta love ‘em. (222 is about heading towards success..new beginnings, having balance & most of all being ready-Yay!) And here comes the but... yes, everyone has a butt. There are always other elements at work in our Universe, just as there are upon Earth. The fine tuned balance between negative & positive... good & bad are within those etheric frequencies. Let’s just step back here. In the past year or so there have been many light workers who have passed to spirit, stepped away/off their spiritual path or just been removed/eradicated for whatever reason. I don’t judge, I am just sharing what spirit explained. And here comes the BUT.... but many have been affected... or should I say infected by the dark side. Of course most spirit workers don’t EVER want to address or talk about this aspect, or are not in complete awareness. Thus creating a resistance, that builds both within us & outside based on the influences surrounding us. The most important element is that the Spiritual awakening that is currently occurring HAS to embody both sides of your soul to come into its divine power.. especially at this time!! So don’t suppress this, invite your psyche to read on & if it resonates with you, then so be it. We, our self, our community, our world, our Universe need to be in balance of both dark & light! Think of a battery, it requires a chemical medium of both positive & negative ions for the electrical energy to flow. If the cells “die” it is because it can no longer sustain a discharge current due to failure, corrosion, shrinkage & so on. It is NOT in balance, so it basically KILLS the battery...... Hopefully the light is flickering for you to SEE the correlation to our human side & why what is happening here is related. With that explained, let’s address just three physical elements that this is affecting & why, so you can attune to it. THROAT- holding back from speaking pure vibrational truth, communicating the divine. WHY? Maybe you are not fully expressing this in fear that others don’t want to face their reality? COLDS/FLU-Our body is designed to detoxify so when it is “flooded” our vibrational frequency gets washed away, we are detracted from the pathway we chose to walk. WHY? The Chi energy is letting go of negative beliefs, thoughts, emotions, washing them away. Release it a good thing. DEPRESSION-Accepting the powerful & profound spiritual bliss unfolding arising from within. WHY? The ego loves holding onto anything that will bring suffering. When we let go we invite in growth, acceptance & openness. I am not the expert on this, as I shared earlier, spirit wanted to enlighten me to my own current demise. If you liked what you read, please share this with others who may be going through this .... be open, not judgemental & most of all keep on moving forward.... and evolving into the vibrational changeling you are meant to be! Vibrational Blessings from Debbie A. Anderson & The Centre of A ![]() This seemed like a great time to write this blog and share with you all. It seems we live in a fish bowl where we share things about ourselves with others and in turn they communicate with us.... In my line of work, people have conveyed many things to me. Sometimes it’s the great events that are occurring in their lives, but also how tough their journey is now and again. I try within my limited life to offer an ear they can bend, a shoulder to cry on.... and hopefully an ounce of hope to keep them going because we are all aware that the crappola hits us at one time or another. I listen, hopefully empathize and always try to give them some kind of hope to move forward with. No, I don’t profess to implement the Pollyanna effect, but to remember that we get sent opportunities from spirit on a daily basis. Yes, some call them lessons...but when they are directed to us, it gives us the option to explore.... or participate or what I term.... PLAY with them. We, in that moment, are given an opportunity... yes GIVEN, in a divine appointment, so to speak, the chance... the possibility to make a change.... based on whatever this event is sharing with us. So embrace these moments, STAY in a positive vibration... And of course, put up a prayer (or ten). Yes PRAY. Spirit are always open, 24 -7 and listening. Our angels, guides, helpers, our ancestors, those we love who have passed to spirit will assist us in whatever way they can. Even if it is like the poem, “Footprints in the Sand” where the Lord says: "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you Never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you." Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson ![]() Day 12 of twelve Vibrational Frequencies of Christmas, and sadly our last day communing together like this. Each one of these new vibrational frequencies can be placed into your daily consciousness. The Twelve Frequencies of Christmas can be found here. Day 12 – Twelve vibrations of divine integrity I am so happy that spirit included this one, and as it was the last one of the twelve I am concluding the impact is even more so for us all in 2019 and beyond. This is where we need to be in our purpose and ask “What can I do to bring this frequency into being?” Thank you all for being part of this new consciousness with intention of embracing something new that can becomes part of your being. Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson ![]() Day 11 of twelve Vibrational Frequencies of Christmas. The Twelve Frequencies of Christmas can be found here. Day 11 - Eleven vibrations of spiritual enlightenment with humility When I read this I feel so light.... so full of being.... declaring strongly “What can I do to bring this frequency into being?” Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson ![]() Just two more of the twelve Vibrational Frequencies of Christmas to go. My blog, The Twelve Frequencies of Christmas can be found here. Day 10 - Ten vibrations of divine gratitude & harmony Bring it on spirit, I am ready so invite the frequency asking “What can I do to bring this frequency into being?” Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson |
Debbie A. AndersonAs we awaken the vibration within, so the healing begins and we learn to love and live. Archives
September 2021