Hands up all you healers, spirit & light workers out there that in the past week or so had a strange onset of a cold, cough, depression etc. Something out of the blue, not the norm! Be honest, please. But read this first so you are in full understanding. Last week I attended a spiritual drumming group. I set my intention BE OPEN –PRESENT!! There were 4 drumming chants to honor the 4 directions encompassing emotional healing, the divine feminine, love & strength. It was vibrational. A day or so later out of the blue came this weird dry cough manifesting within I thought, great.. a shift.. bring it on! Now I don’t get sick, but IF I do get a snap of something I use the mantra ALREADY HEALED, so that I accept that I am not sick, but shifting something within in my divine vibrational essence. It was ONLY after I recorded my weekly reading Vibrational Changeling that I had this epiphany from spirit who kindly awoke me to at 2.22am to share. Gotta love ‘em. (222 is about heading towards success..new beginnings, having balance & most of all being ready-Yay!) And here comes the but... yes, everyone has a butt. There are always other elements at work in our Universe, just as there are upon Earth. The fine tuned balance between negative & positive... good & bad are within those etheric frequencies. Let’s just step back here. In the past year or so there have been many light workers who have passed to spirit, stepped away/off their spiritual path or just been removed/eradicated for whatever reason. I don’t judge, I am just sharing what spirit explained. And here comes the BUT.... but many have been affected... or should I say infected by the dark side. Of course most spirit workers don’t EVER want to address or talk about this aspect, or are not in complete awareness. Thus creating a resistance, that builds both within us & outside based on the influences surrounding us. The most important element is that the Spiritual awakening that is currently occurring HAS to embody both sides of your soul to come into its divine power.. especially at this time!! So don’t suppress this, invite your psyche to read on & if it resonates with you, then so be it. We, our self, our community, our world, our Universe need to be in balance of both dark & light! Think of a battery, it requires a chemical medium of both positive & negative ions for the electrical energy to flow. If the cells “die” it is because it can no longer sustain a discharge current due to failure, corrosion, shrinkage & so on. It is NOT in balance, so it basically KILLS the battery...... Hopefully the light is flickering for you to SEE the correlation to our human side & why what is happening here is related. With that explained, let’s address just three physical elements that this is affecting & why, so you can attune to it. THROAT- holding back from speaking pure vibrational truth, communicating the divine. WHY? Maybe you are not fully expressing this in fear that others don’t want to face their reality? COLDS/FLU-Our body is designed to detoxify so when it is “flooded” our vibrational frequency gets washed away, we are detracted from the pathway we chose to walk. WHY? The Chi energy is letting go of negative beliefs, thoughts, emotions, washing them away. Release it a good thing. DEPRESSION-Accepting the powerful & profound spiritual bliss unfolding arising from within. WHY? The ego loves holding onto anything that will bring suffering. When we let go we invite in growth, acceptance & openness. I am not the expert on this, as I shared earlier, spirit wanted to enlighten me to my own current demise. If you liked what you read, please share this with others who may be going through this .... be open, not judgemental & most of all keep on moving forward.... and evolving into the vibrational changeling you are meant to be! Vibrational Blessings from Debbie A. Anderson & The Centre of A This seemed like a great time to write this blog and share with you all. It seems we live in a fish bowl where we share things about ourselves with others and in turn they communicate with us.... In my line of work, people have conveyed many things to me. Sometimes it’s the great events that are occurring in their lives, but also how tough their journey is now and again. I try within my limited life to offer an ear they can bend, a shoulder to cry on.... and hopefully an ounce of hope to keep them going because we are all aware that the crappola hits us at one time or another. I listen, hopefully empathize and always try to give them some kind of hope to move forward with. No, I don’t profess to implement the Pollyanna effect, but to remember that we get sent opportunities from spirit on a daily basis. Yes, some call them lessons...but when they are directed to us, it gives us the option to explore.... or participate or what I term.... PLAY with them. We, in that moment, are given an opportunity... yes GIVEN, in a divine appointment, so to speak, the chance... the possibility to make a change.... based on whatever this event is sharing with us. So embrace these moments, STAY in a positive vibration... And of course, put up a prayer (or ten). Yes PRAY. Spirit are always open, 24 -7 and listening. Our angels, guides, helpers, our ancestors, those we love who have passed to spirit will assist us in whatever way they can. Even if it is like the poem, “Footprints in the Sand” where the Lord says: "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you Never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you." Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson Today is day four of the 12 Vibrational Frequencies of Christmas. If you are just joining us, go to my blog shared on December 20th Day 4 – Four vibrations filled of Optimism, Tolerance & Joyfulness Take a moment and breath in & out four times focusing on these four vibrations and how they interconnect with you.... Close your eyes and ask....“What can I do to bring this frequency into being?” Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson Merry Christmas everyone. As I shared with you in my blog on December 20th for the next twelve days I am inviting you to bring in twelve vibrational frequencies of Christmas. Today is ground zero... an opportunity for you to change up your vibration. Day 1 - The vibrational frequency of new beginnings for our world Each day, as you embrace each new frequency, ask yourself this question... “What can I do to bring this frequency into being?” Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson For any of you who didn’t know this, the strange gifts given to his “true love” within the carol “Twelve Days of Christmas” actually have a hidden meaning behind them. As a child growing up, I pondered on the possibility of a lover giving his sweetheart bizarre gifts... where do you stash 10 lords a leaping...... and giggling at The Muppets version with Miss Piggy screeching out.. 5 GOLD rings badam-pam-pam. Here are the twelve traditional days of Christmas and the meaning for each day.
On Twelfth Night (usually) Christmas decorations were taken down... to leave them up after that date was deemed unlucky. Twelfth Night, marks the beginning of Epiphany on 6 January, the Christian feast day when observers celebrated the visit to Jesus by the Magi - known to us all as the Three kings, or Wise Men. Now I have explained the traditional 12 days of Christmas I want to invite you to embrace, starting December 25, Twelve new possibilities for you to consider. Each day I will post on my blog one of the Twelve Vibrational Frequencies of Christmas for you to attract a higher resonance in 2019. I challenge you to expand each vibrational day with words you feel create further connectedness with each one of the twelve vibrations I will share from December 25 to January 5, 2019. And.... when you are ready, answer this question to each of them... “What can I do to bring this frequency into being?” Maybe it is an inward change or an outward action... as always, the choice is yours... when you are ready. Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson As a natural born hugger, I find that when I am hugging, not only do I give, but I also receive, which is a perfect exchange of energy. Studies have proved that even a 10 second hug can improve your health, lower the risk of heart disease, fight infections, reduce stress, fight fatigue and so on. There is no season or reason for a hug, so why don’t you start today... Here are twelve vibrational reasons to give and receive hugs.. 1.Hugging is healthy. 2.It helps the body's immune system & diminish pain. 3.It helps reduce high blood pressure. 4.It heals depression & helps combat loneliness. 5.It reduces stress & increases self esteem. 6.It's rejuvenating. 7.It has no unpleasant side effects. 8.It is God's miracle drug! 9.It is all natural, it contains no chemicals, artificial ingredients, no pesticides, & no preservatives! 10.Hugging is practically perfect. 11.There are no parts to break down, no monthly payments, non-taxable, non-polluting, & of course... 12.It's fully returnable! And no excuses if you are alone!! You can still receive a hug. Take your left arm and wrap it around your right side and your right arm and wrap it around your left side and hug yourself. Call it a virtual vibrational hug from me. Lastly, remember, "A hug is the one present that's always worth giving!" Vibrational Blessings, Debbie A. Anderson Back in mid August 2018, I was approached by Sedona Journal of Emergence to submit a channelling for their 2019 Predictions issue. As always I am honored when asked to see what spirit want to share with us all. The channelled message I received from my “A” team (as I call them) was chosen and published. I promised you once it was published I would share it with you all.... This is the message spirit shared with me for 2019 and beyond.... I truly hope it gives you some enlightenment as this vibrational message is about seeking out the spiritual truth that resides within us all. The truth is what you dear ones should always deem to seek out, no matter what the consequences. In your humanness your perception... it can sometimes be clouded by what you want to see rather than what is there right in front of your eyes...... this can sometimes happen due to the integration of others sharing insights in their awareness...... based on their beliefs..... this can sometimes trip you up.... catching you in a void of confusion and questioning based on your belief system. Although for us, time is not of the essence, we share that during the months leading into 2019 through to the end of April stepping into your own awareness will prove to greatly assist you in seeing what is there before you. If you believe in something... you need to continue to seek it out.... in the higher frequency of unconditional love ..... there you will find the insights and the truth... it will always revealed. Nothing can be hidden forever.... because it is heart centred....... when you connect to that frequency all will be exposed... shown.... in pure Technicolor.... There is a sense of growing insecurity on your planet, and this frequency causes many to grasp at the illusion that resides in their ego.... a place of self centred doubt.... hesitation.... even distrust in their life.... their world.... it is a form of spiritual unhappiness. When this distraction rises up from within dear ones.... you can, if stuck in that frequency, start to spiral into the oblivion of ego set beliefs. At this time we are trying to share with you that, if in your awareness you feel this happening to you.... to recalibrate and connect to the truth... the purpose of YOUR journey....don’t get into a holding pattern ..... into a vacuum of unconsciousness. As you venture through 2019 this will to evolve for you all if you just trust within your heart. We share that there is no such thing as security in life.......... that you are your security. You are your conscious creator – of your life... and ONLY your life is what matters to us. Each of you in your consciousness can tap into that frequency....... that vibration and release the doubts... the fear.... All that is you is within the divine principal... because there are no mistakes made. Even if you think there are... whether by us... ..... by others .... or by you.... Let go of those thoughts and remember that you are EXACTLY where you should be... who you should be in every given moment... in divine spiritual essence. You are the whole conscious intelligent energy that you have always been... the whole spirit of you... in holy-ness ..... in one consciousness in what you choose and what you allow others to chose for you. Your soul has to remember that everything starts and ends with you... right now... in this moment..in any given moment.... keep this as your guiding star through this year of 2019, the truth will be revealed and with it comes consequences as you move into the latter part of the year. You are the creator of your world.... of YOU.... When you have been hurt.... upset... disappointed.... you are in distress and this reflects on everything around you triggering both inside and outside of you. When you step into that frequency ....that energy and you are not in conflict with your SELF.... and can stand within the silence of your soul... your vibration..... you see and hear exactly what you need to do .... you feel...so you can clear away that obstacle....inviting it to become Already Healed.... letting go.... When the reflection hurts, it is triggering something within that you need to know ... be in awareness of... see..... once you do... clear it.... clear it with love of self. You need you to remember that there are no imperfections... no limitations.... the only restraints in your life is what you have invited into your frequency. It is time for clear hearing.... awareness of your thoughts ......understanding that there is no more being powerless. It is allowing the knowledge of understanding of who you are... what you are... and where you are... If you decide to stay within the fear...... not to move away from the comfort zone within your life.... if you make the decision to stay rigid .... inflexible to what your soul needs.... that is your decision. We cannot make you see or do any differently because you are in control of YOUR thoughts. But is it because you are afraid that if you step out of your comfort zone things will be different... of course they will.... but only YOU matter. If you can’t focus on the now... here.... you are nowhere. This is the time in your world to use words in consciousness allowing the divine connection to be your guiding star.... even if you cannot fully understand every principle of what you are given. Hold it within your heart .... because in your time it will revealed... This is the time to let go of your excuses.... you are not part of your environment... your surroundings, they are a part of you... every part of you. So what resides within you.... the good, bad and everything in between is what is being reflected from you.... to you.... in every vibrational essence. Your frequency can explore or experience all the facets of your lifetime based on what you invite into your soul... love.... hate.... abundance.... poverty..... each pole connector has a negative and positive influence... it is not that one is better than the other .... more powerful ..... they are just influences taking the balance from one side to the other... like when you were a child ....sitting on a see-saw (teeter totter) ... if there was just one person on each side it was in balance... like a set of scales. But when more people got on one side than the other it would either rise or fall..... creating a difference in frequency. If people got off too quickly it could flip the see-saw so whomever is on the other side is affected by it. Life is a see-saw that is continually in balance... with you... others around you.... the world.... when it gets off balance you get the choice to stay there or jump off and get back on the other side of it. All we can ask, is that you are consciously in your awareness of how what you do... think... say ... can influence others.... in either a encouraging way .... or in a harmful way. So only you can be your see-saw in life.... and others theirs. It is you who decides what you keep or disregard ..... thoughts... influences. It is your soul purpose to be in this life to achieve what you have deemed was necessary for you. Only you can transform the way you look at life... so we invite you, when needed to change and embrace your frequency in your ever learning spiritual connection in 2019. We are the Centre of A, vibrational blessings to you all. Channelled to Debbie A. Anderson September 1, 2018 As we draw closer to that season where some of you may feel overwhelmed unnecessarily in relationship to money, I want to share with you a vibrational way to attract abundance and let go of ANY struggles you have in your conscious mindset over accepting wealth and riches to yourself. You don’t have to choose between being spiritual and having money!! Money is a spiritual asset. The deeper connection you have within your heart with anything, yes, money included, invites it towards you, because it IS a vibration. It is just the way we choose to bring that vibration into our life. As it was shared with me many moons ago, the word money has an “m” before the word “one”, followed by the letter “y”. Take a moment to ponder on that, because everything is about the I AM. I am deserving .... or not..... inviting in the vibration of your one-ness. It following letter was something someone shared with me many moons ago. Yes, I have revamped it, and you of course are invited to add to it further, based on your perspective. In other words, this is not the ONLY way to manifest prosperity. Vibrational Blessings Debbie A. Anderson Dear Money, Please accept this letter from me apologizing for thinking you were hard to get and ultimately thinking I didn’t deserve you. I know your abundance is unlimited and I can receive it, because I am now open to take delivery of whatever prosperity you send to me. I’m sorry for thinking that if I had more of you I would feel guilty. I choose to love you positively, and have opened myself to receive you with love and gratitude. I know you are there to serve my highest good. I love you & look forward to our new relationship. I love you money. Vibrational Love Sunday, November 11, 2018 at 11am is sequential 11. This is a time for you to be present and intentional in your thoughts as manifestation on your focus (thoughts) is what will transpire. Seeing the number 1 repeating itself is a VERY positive sign, and a VERY powerful vibrational time for focusing your heart centred thoughts on what you want, need and desire in your life. It is a time to release any negative emotions that maybe holding you back from achieving the transformation within you.... so as the movie FROZEN states... let it go, let it go, let it go..... This gateway of the duality of the Oneness is open to inviting us to walk on our pathway of Universal love and acceptance. KNOWING, yep, that’s right, knowing that whatever you either positively or negatively think (the dual edged sword) influences us at this time. I know I will be open to whatever new and exciting synchronistic activation spirit sends to me, in total Vibrational Trust! I have shared with many of you, that this year, 2018 is the year of shedding off anything that is holding us back. Digging up any skeletons that we buried without releasing... letting go of ANYTHING that no longer serves us. This eleventh month, just like the eleventh hour in decision making is very integral... and opening up that energetic gateway into our spiritual realm of completeness. Remember the only thing you own is your thoughts, so be wise to what you invite in at this time. This is a VERY clear and concise message from our angels, guardians and spirit helpers/guides. Therefore your thoughts can and will manifest into your reality. So, what will you take the time to focus on at 11am on November 11, 2018? The list is infinite and only you and your beliefs will bring you into your vibrational enlightenment. How do you manifest at this time? Easy, sit in peace and quietness, (yes, that means turning off your electronics) at 11am (wherever in the world you live) and set your intention to what you want, need and desire within your life... your world... our Universe. The choice is yours. Sit and listen to what that intentional vibration means to you. That means connecting in your heart, not your head. Take some nice gentle breaths. Breathe in what you need, want, desire and as you breathe out release what you no longer need-anything that doesn't serve you. Continue doing this over and over again.... slowly.... listening to your heart as you feel what it is sharing with you.... do this for ONE MINUTE... yes, wow, that long!!! If you are NOT sure that what you want is right for you.... add to the end of your request.... this or something to my highest good..... or this or something better. That way you are not locked into anything other than what spirit feel is what you need based on your request (smile). When the minute is finished, thank your guides, helpers, angels... the Universe... take one last nice cleansing breath, and let it go. Now go and enjoy the rest of the day knowing you have taken the time for that connection with 11 : 11 : 11 : 11. Vibrational Blessings, Debbie A. Anderson Sometimes I encounter vibrational inspirational words of others, and the Trouble Tree is one I want to share with you all. It reminds us of the important things in life, and how our actions can impact our lives in so many ways. I truly hope you ALL have your own trouble tree to hang your troubles upon!! Vibrational Blessings Debbie xxx I hired a plumber to help me restore an old farmhouse, and after he had just finished a rough first day on the job: a flat tire made him lose an hour of work, his electric drill quit and his ancient one ton truck refused to start. While I drove him home, he sat in stony silence. On arriving, he invited me in to meet his family. As we walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands. When opening the door he underwent an amazing transformation ... His face was wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss. Afterward he walked me to the car. We passed the tree and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier. "Oh, that's my trouble tree," he replied. "I know I can't help having troubles on the job, but one thing's for sure, those troubles don't belong in the house with my wife and the children. So I just hang them up on the tree every night when I come home and ask God to take care of them. Then in the morning I pick them up again. "Funny thing is," he smiled, "when I come out in the morning to pick 'em up, there aren't nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before." Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance ... We all need a trouble tree! Author Unknown |
Debbie A. AndersonAs we awaken the vibration within, so the healing begins and we learn to love and live. Archives
September 2021